School Stress

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Homework, competition, school, tests

Tears of frustration, anger, and stress

Lack of sleep, baggy eyes, and yet there, surprise––

There's another competition to win first prize. 

You wonder how you can do it all, 

How you can stay afloat over the assignments that fall

Upon you and your mind, unfocusing you, 

Distracting, retracting the time left till they're due. 

You may feel isolated, you may feel stressed,

You may feel upset or even depressed.

But competition isn't everything

Not always, anyway,

So don't let that stop you from making yours a great day. 

We all do poorly sometimes, 

But hold your head high,

Because there will come a time when your hard work will fly. 

You'll excel and do well, and not because you stressed,

But you worked hard and truly did your best. 

In the end, that's really what counts––

That, and remembering what you are all about. 

Remember your falling short, and turn it to lengths

Recall your weaknesses and make them strengths. 

It's not always about the medals,

Not always about the best score,

Not always about the bragging rights,

It's about doing better than you did before.

Even if you don't succeed, try, try again,

Because that's what will make it wonderful in the end. 

This one was for @ButteryButteryFly5, who asked for a poem about school stress. Hope I conveyed accurate inspiration and focus!!

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