Moving On (2014-2017)

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I can't stay

Stuck on you

Like a fish on a hook

When you've already let me off the line

I can't be

Mooning after you

When you've already

Given your sun to someone else

I can't spend 

Every night 

Wasting my tears on you 

While you're sharing laughter with someone else.

I can't keep 

Hurting my heart 

By remembering everything we used to have

When you've already tossed the past aside like three years of "us" never existed.

I can't keep 

Cutting myself on every 

Glass-shard memory that shattered into sharp pieces

When your scars have already faded.

I have to move on. 

I have to 

Because you already have.

And maybe

That's for the best. 

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