Island of Isolation

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I try to sleep a little

But my precognition is such a riddle

What does it mean–

The painful scene of the future

I may never see?

This lifetime is mine, 

But at the same time, 

Experimentation is quite a crime

Falling in love, testing the ropes,

On the island of isolation on which 

I'm alone.

And yet, 

I'm not alone; 

There are people all over the shore,

More than I thought there would be...

They're all breathing, but

They're grieving

For the lives they might never complete

Because defeat

Is what they've accepted

And the hopelessness around them

Is infectious.

Though we're all connected through DNA, 

We still can't cope because something tells us

We're alone

And hope seems so far away

When you're alone

The island's population fluctuates

But a few like me are in for a permanent stay.

Do they fight their minds or have they forgotten

That a dark night

Always precedes the day?

Author's Note: Dedicated to @charliesaints16 for his awesome poetry, and for his compliments on my poetry. 😄 Thanks, Charlie.

To all the people like me who suffer from anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, low self-esteem, or any other mental condition where you feel like you're all alone. Hang in there. ❤️❤️❤️

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