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I took your heart in the middle of the night

What I didn't know was that you were awake 

You smiled, turned over, and let me keep it

But one day it suddenly started to break

I tried to fix it with duct tape and glue

Frantically sewing it back together

But the stitches all fell apart

And our relationship, we knew, we would have to sever

So you took back your heart, and I replaced it again

In my chest with my own heart,

And as we were separated, I wondered if yours

Was healing while mine refused to start

Slowly it began to seal up the cracks

Slowly I began to feel fine

I moved on from memories and the sting of being single

And I was okay with my heart being mine

But then we saw each other again

And the pain came back, repeated

However, we talked about it and got back together

Once we did, the pain receded

But I tried to steal his heart again

And this time he caught me while he was awake

And told me I couldn't have it because it belonged to someone else––

It wasn't mine to take

So the next time I'm given someone's heart

I'm not going to be a thief for naught, my friend––

I'm going to make sure that it's okay to take

So that I'll never be caught like that again.

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