Winter Blues

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A blue kind of sadness, willy-nilly

Long and dreary––silly, really––

Headaches, mistakes, examinations

Feeling like your brain's been laminated

Flat and shapeless? No, just misshapen

You must be mistaken when you say that I'm 

Off, strange, odd, not myself, no, I'm 

Fine and okay, in almost every way

I'm not numb, just encumbered

Just discolored with the absence of colors

But this is to the winter blues: 

Your long, cold days are numbered.

I've felt really frustrated and lacking energy lately and realized that the winter blues are getting me down. We've had snow since October here, so the winter feels like it's lasted forever. It doesn't help that it's -26º Celcius (-15º F) outside today.

(What's summer, again?) 

So, I decided to cheer myself up by writing a silly, rhyming poem about my blues. It's worked so far! ^-^

Hope everything is all right with everyone else! Have a wonderful day, and don't let life get you down!! :D Much love from Seraphina 

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