5,840 Days

20 3 7

Hey guys, just wanted to say hi and give an announcement: Today is my birthday! I'm not gonna say how old I am (old enough to be smart ;P), but I'm really excited and just wanted to share the happiness with you guys. So....I wrote a poem about it, too, because *shrugs* I write about everything. To anyone else whom I share this with, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TOO!! :) And to everyone, birthdays or no, have an amazing day! <3

Five thousand 

Eight hundred

and forty days old.

It's just a number

To a lot of people.

But to me

It's a victory 

Of fighting with my demons,

Waging war against my insecurities,

Battling my depression and doubt.

And today

I finally won.

They'll be back, of course,

But this time I realize that

I'm not fighting alone––

I have my best friends,

My close family,

And maybe even you, if you're willing to help. 

I pushed them back 

And finally saw them turn and run,

Saw the white flag go up

And realized that they were defeated,

Finally, for once. 

They'll be back.

But when they are, I'll have the victory to remind me 

Of what I can do. 

So far, I've had a 100% survival rate

In the game of Life. 

I've gotten scarred, bruised, and broken,

But I'm still alive, 

With a strong heartbeat

That isn't going away anytime soon.

Five thousand

Eight hundred

and forty days.

It's just a number.

But to me, it's everything. 

Love you all!!!! Keep fighting! :) 

Much love, Beau_Ciel 

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