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I lived in a world of black and white

Where color just didn't exist

I thought this was the way my life would stay

But fate brought in a twist...

I walked into a hallway just like any other time

Not watching where I had gone

When suddenly, something ran into me

Or, rather––I ran into someone.

I fell over and hit the floor quite hard

But as I stammered an apology

I heard a voice, that seemed, quite by choice,

To be apologizing to me

The boy I ran into said he was sorry

Then held out his hand for assistance;

I at first resisted, but as he insisted,

I decided to take it that instance.

As soon as I did, I saw for the first time

Colors of every spectrum and shade

In shock I let go, and what do you know––

The instant I did, the colors began to fade.

I looked at him, and he looked at me, 

And at the same time, we both realized

That we'd felt the exact same thing

And we couldn't quite keep that inside.

We glanced at each other with new thoughts growing

Curious about if we held hands again

If the fading would go, and it'd finally show

And if the colors would stay on from then.

He and I promised to keep in touch

(Although that might be a literal brand)

So we exchanged numbers, names, and other small games

For excuses to just touch hands.

Finally, we traded goodbyes and went our own ways

But we later both retraced our steps

To find each other again and talk as friends

In the same place that we first met.

Now, we're a couple, and hold hands everywhere

So that we're always in touch, forever

With the world's bright face and the beautiful grace

Of the colors we love so much, and only experience together.

Based on that theory that you see black-and-white all your life, and only see colors when you find your soul mate and stick with them. Sorry that it's a bit long, but enjoy it anyway!! <3

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