She Won the Sun

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She had the whole world in her hands; 

Her future was bright, 

Her potential, limitless.

She reached for the sun

But something block her way

Stood on the path, interfered.

Suddenly, the world was ripped from her grasp,

Spinning to where she could not see,

Could not use, could not touch.

She lay on the ground 

In a haze,

A daze, of disbelief

Staring, unmoving, stunned

At the bright blue sky, which now

Mocked her misery, her torment.

Now the sun seemed too far

To reach, to touch; an impossible dream,

And the sky was no longer hers.

She was ready to quit, 

Give up everything, 

And return home defeated, shamed.

But something inside her told her to'

Get up, get up, 

Try again, one more time.

So she did, standing up, 

A challenge in her eyes,

Daring the sun that she'd succeed.

She climbed the mountains in her way,

Sometimes falling to her knees,

Ready to faint and falter.

When she fell, that voice prompted her to

Take one more step---

Just one more, and then another.

This time, when she saw the shadow

She was ready, 

Steady, and set to win.

Steel trap that her mind had become, 

She tested, 

Bested the darkness.

When the battle was finished, 

She reached out and finally touched

The sun that had been taken from her.

The victory was hers, 

And she had won

The sun.

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