Autumn Comparisons

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I glance out the window

And see that it's autumn's turn to reign.

Reign she does, and she decorates her kingdom with 

Her favorite palette shades:

Auburn, blush, gold, persimmon, lemon, 

All spun together to form a breathtaking view.

Autumn turns the trees

That hide behind a ubiquitous, universal, uninteresting green spectrum

When that shows what beauties they are when their true colors shine through

If Autumn can erase the masks of pressure from trees

If Autumn can persuade them to give up their societal conformities

If Autumn proves that they're more beautiful when they step out of society's mold

Then shouldn't we have the courage to break it too and be, not green, but gold?

Be scarlet, be gold, be lemon, be amber

Be ember, be lime, anything but your typical green

Be any color or shade you want to be

Just be the best shade of it you've ever seen.

Take off the green that society forces on you

Wear your own shade of unique––just wear it proud. 

You're not alone. So be different, because different is AWESOME!!

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