The Voice of the One You Love Most

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Your voice 
Protects me from the things I don't want to be near 

Your voice
Tells me I need never fear

Your voice
Comforts, listens, uplifts, heals

Your voice
Is the only thing in life that seems real

Your voice
Asks forgiveness, laughs, brings me to a tear

Your voice
Is the one I'll always hear.

Hello lovelies! I don't usually ask people for much, but I wanted to see if I could get just enough votes to make it to 100. I'd be really excited if I finally got that many votes. I'm already ecstatic that I have 500+ reads (thank you all!), so that would just top my happiness. 

Don't be silent! Comment and vote on your favorite poem(s) so far. 

Love you all! Stay happy, curious, and beautiful! 


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