Who I Am

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I am from the big white bear always ready to comfort me

From Earl's Drive-In just across the street

And the library three blocks away

I am from a noisy house full of noisy children

And parents always ready with criticism

I am from the crabapple tree in my neighbor's backyard

Whose sour treats dropped into my waiting hands,  just like that

I am from peanut-butter-and-banana-sandwiches at lunch (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)

And from late night Fridays reading stories until I fell asleep

From Vicki and Lindsay (we call him Phillip)

And from huge Christmas celebrations, and Family Home Evening, 

And also from big dreams that didn't always come true.

I am from pizza and fruit salad

I am from my dreams being deemed as "impossible"

I am from the moments I wanted to hide but stayed, 

When I wanted to stay but hid, 

When I stood up to my parents for my dreams, 

The simple victories that dared me to do more

I am whoever you believe me to be...

And so much more than you'll ever know.

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