Better Person

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You know that person that tried to hurt you? 

Maybe it was unintentional. But they called you a name or 

taunted you or 

talked behind your back. They laughed 

at you or told your secrets or made you feel


Yeah, they may have hurt you. They hurt your pride, 

your feelings, your honor, 

your reputation. But that doesn't mean that what they say

is true. That doesn't mean that your life 

is ruined. And that doesn't mean that you're 

what they say about you.

So before you retaliate––before you vow for revenge 

and hold grudges and live in anger and sadness 

and do the exact same thing to them so that they're just as hurt as they made you feel––

remember that it won't last forever. 

The hurt will go away. 

You don't have to live with feelings of unhappiness or rage or vengeance. 

You can let it go, even if others can't.

Be the better person and let go. 

Don't be offended. 

It's a sign of maturity that you can choose to not get hung up 

over others' actions. 

They don't know what you're going through, 

and they don't know your story. 

You do, and you have control over how you react to what they say and do.

Let it go, and you'll be a lot happier.

-Written 6 March 2018

Being hurt sucks. I know. But letting go is like being able to lift the world over your head––it just frees you for better things ahead. <3 Stay beautiful! -Beau_Ciel

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