Can't Be Strong (and That's Okay)

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Backstory: my (now ex-) boyfriend's best friend died in a car crash last year, and I wrote a song for him about it. Sorry that it's sad, but it's something I wanted to share with other people who are grieving, too. 

Also, the edits mean the following: Italics: chorus. Bold: bridge. Normal text: verses. Underlined: outro. :)

Can't Be Strong (and That's Okay)

You're tossin', turnin', losin' sleep
You've long given up trying to count your sheep
You're turning it over and over in your mind
What you wouldn't've given to have more time 

There are some days when you want to break down and cry
There are days when you can't remember how to try
There are days you recall so very long ago
And "why" is the answer you need the most 

Sometimes you can't be strong and that's okay
Sometimes you just can't keep the pain away
It hurts to endure every brand new day
But it wouldn't be right if the hurt didn't stay

People say they were too good to stay in this world
But you don't understand why this has occurred
Your faith is gone, and so's your best friend
As you choke back the tears, want this nightmare to end

Sometimes you can't be strong and that's okay
Sometimes you just can't keep the pain away
It hurts to endure every brand new day
But it wouldn't be right if the hurt didn't stay

Something has to change
You have to turn the page
You can't keep reviewing the things that have been
You need to forgive and start over again...

You found a shoulder you could cry on
Your hope is returning, your nightmares are gone
Your grief is fading, your acceptance is winning,
You know it's the end, but something new's just beginning...

Kind of long, but I hope it properly conveys one aspect of grief.

Love you all, stay strong <3

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