Playground Memories

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Excitement and joy flood through my veins

As I run to the place where my childhood reigns.

Conquering the monkey bars, slipping down the slides,

Finally walking to where my freedom hides.

The swings bring me higher, fling me higher, until

Time seems to slow down and almost stand still.

My shoes skim the clouds in the endless blue sky,

And as I push higher I can almost fly.

I touch the sun with a tentative toe, 

With the ground now my ceiling and the sky now below.

The sky as my ground and the ground my new ceiling,

I embrace the exhilaration with all of my feeling.

My dusty old shoes framed against the bright blue, 

A picture-perfect moment that really rings true.

I have no digital image (there was no camera I could find),

But there is still a snapshot of the view in my mind.

Though Robert Frost was right saying nothing gold can say,

There will always be my memory of that gorgeous, golden day.

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