Take Your Breath Away

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A/N: Hello... Sorry that first part was quite short! It was kind of an introduction! This one is still kind of short but I'm still kind of getting this started! If you haven't guessed already, I have no plan at all, I'm literally making this up by the chapter! :D

Also everything will be Tamar's POV, unless said otherwise...

And once again.. I love MattyB!


Take your breath away


The weekend came around quicker than I thought it would. In this short week I had learned that Alana had brought these tickets only a few weeks back, so that meant we weren't sitting together.

Great.. I'm sitting next to a stranger that I have to make awkward conversation with.

Alana and myself were waiting at the gate to our flight. The line began to move slowly, ahhh... The joys of waiting...

I'm not a miserable person, even though right now it's hard to convince you that I'm not. But, I would say I'm different to the girls that go out in short shorts and skimpy skirts. That means, many people find it hard to get along with me.

So, anyway I walked on to the plane and told Alana I'd see her in 10 hours. I found my seat. I was wearing a grey hoodie which covered my All time low tee. My straight brown hair came down to the end of my ribs. I was also wearing some jeans and some converse.

I sat down in my empty seat next to the window. The seat next to me was also empty. I put my earplugs in and began to listen to some All time low, obviously.

It wasn't long before a guy began to put his bags above me in the storage cabinets. I couldn't see his head. Only his torso and his legs. He looked quite sexy. Such a gorgeous body, even if it was covered by a tee shirt. Then he sat down next to me, he gave a quick smile.

Wow. Like I said before his body was perfect. But then I saw his arms, one of them was covered with tattoos. Each tattoo looked so cool, I love guys with tattoo sleeves. Then i noticed his face. His hair was blonde, but with brown roots. Sexy. His jaw line. Oh my god. His jaw line. He is so good looking.

I vaguely remember him. I feel like I have seen him before. But, wouldn't I remember such beauty?

"Hi" He smiled again.

"Hey" I look down at my iPod to pause my song, I don't want to keep staring at him because that would scare him a bit. But how can I not?

"What are you listening too?" he asked. I remembered I still had my one earplugs in. Even though my song was paused, he's going to think I'm so rude! Listening to music when he's trying to talk... Nice going Tamar!

I quickly pulled out my earplug.

"Oh, nothing! It was pau-" I began.

"All time low. They're cool" he smiled

I was kind of lost for words.. I didn't say anything. A guy that is so hot and likes the same music as me. Does this happen in this life!

Shit! I'm staring again!

"Ye-, yeah. They're my favourite band, one of the only bands I listen too, I kind of stick to one band" I kept trying to look else where from his beauty.

I know him from somewhere! I just know I do!

"I'm Tamar, by the way. Tamar Price to be exact" I smiled.

"Tamar" he repeated.

Was he asking me something? Do I answer him?

"That's a cool name, I like it!"

Well at least he wasn't about to ask me an awkward question. Like 'do you know me from somewhere?'... I'm sure I do! I just can't think where! I don't know why he would ask that really.

"Really? I've never liked my name" I said.

Soon, I'm going to have to ask him if I know him or if he knows me.. That could be weird! Come on Tamar! Think!

"It's nice to meet you Tamar" he winked at me "I'm Dan. Dan Flint to be exact"


Take your breath away


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