I Couldn't Believe My Luck Had Changed

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A/N: Hey guys and gals!! I would just like to point out that YMAS and ATL in London were absolutely amazing!! And I would love to go back to that concert everyday of my life!!! AND I MET MY INTERNET FRIENDS!!!!! IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD!!!!!

After this chapter, there is only a few left!!!! Only a freaking few?? Jesus!! It only feels like two weeks ago that I was posting the first part!!!! Now there's only a few?? Anyway, I need major feedback on thoughts for a sequel!! I mean, if I did do one, it would probably come around June time because of exams and shit! But I need your thoughts, so please give me them thoughts!!

I'm sorry if I get the details wrong in this chapter!! And also, this story just hit 4K reads!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! (Spread the word about this if you would like too!!!)


I couldn't believe my luck had changed


-Matt's POV-

I sighed and got out of bed. We've been home from tour for a little over a month now. Tamar is ten weeks pregnant. Just seven more months and she has the baby! And 3 more weeks until Christmas of course!

I had a shower, got dressed, then got ready to go and pick up Tamar. She stayed at Alana's last night. But we've got our first doctors appointment today.

I arrived at Alana's house. Alana opened the door.

"Hi. Tamar is upstairs getting ready!!" She said. I went up stairs. This reminds me of the times before Tamar lived with me. I always used to come and pick her up for her date and she always used to still be getting ready.

"Tamar?" I asked outside the bathroom door.

"What?" I took this as a que to come in. She was sitting in the bath.

"Wow, I know we're together and stuff, but privacy! Please!!" She laughed. I smiled at her.

"We kind of have to go, or we'll miss our appointment!" I laughed. There was no way we were making it to the appointment..

"Okay. Whatever! Get out! And then the next time you see me, I'll be ready!" She smiled with her cheeky smile. I winked at her as I walked out.





-Tamar's POV-

We arrived pretty much last minute to our appointment. This is the time when we find out if our baby is healthy or not. But it's also the time of all the scary tests and needles and machines! It's scary. But good. I was in deep thought in the waiting room. There was other soon to be parents in the room. I sat next to Matt, an empty chair was separating me and the next pair of parents. I held on to Matt's hand nervously. This was so different, I wasn't used to it. I looked up at Matt. He looked so calm and normal, like he had had ten other kids before. That made me feel like everything was going to be okay. It was weird. This whole thing was weird. Each woman in the waiting room with me was at a different stage of pregnancy, some were much bigger, and some were on their first visit, much like myself. There were posters all around the room, talking about pregnancy and birth. I still couldn't believe this was-

"Barnes?" The nurse knocked me out of my thoughts as she called us through for our appointment. Matt kept hold of my hand and led me out of the waiting room, we followed the nurse through. We sat down in the nurses room. She sat opposite.

"I guess it's still early days for you two in this pregnancy! My name is Dr. Lowe. I'll be your mid-wife throughout your pregnancy! If I could just get your names and then we'll start the tests!" She smiled at me. At least I have a nice doctor and not some moody know-it-all bitch!! "Ladies first!"

"..Tamar" I said quietly, I was still getting used to all of this.

"Tamar.. Barnes? Or.." She looked from me to Matt.

"Tamar Price" I corrected her, even though I did like the sound of that. It was still early.

"You, sir?"

"Matt Barnes" Matt replied. The doctor typed quicker than I could keep up with. I guess she types for a living!

"Was this a planned pregnancy?" She asked. I shook my head. Matt looked down at me and smiled. He could tell I was so nervous. But he kept a tight hold on my hand to make me feel safe.

"Okay, I just have a few questions to ask you, then we will begin the tests. Firstly, could I get the date of your last period?" Dr. Lowe asked me. My mind went blank. I've done a lot since then! How am I meant to know. Eventually, I passed the first question! Luckily, the second one was a lot easier!!

"Now, I just need your jobs.." She looked at me again.

"I'm, unemployed.." I said. I had actually forgotten that I was meant to be looking for a job. Oh. She looked over to Matt to take his job.

"I'm a bassist in a band. Not exactly what people would class as a real job!!" Matt smiled, the doctor chuckled as she typed.

"At least it's good fun!" She said. I was asked more questions about previous pregnancies, miscarriages, illnesses, and about my emotions. I've never been so bloody nervous in my life! I was scared with every word!!

That's when all the prodding and poking began, blood pressure tests, blood tests, getting weighed, my height, everything! But, after almost two hours of tests and questions. It was time for the fun stuff! Listening to the babies heart beat, and of course, the ultrasound scan! I jumped on that bed quicker than ever!

"Yep! This is normally the favourite part.." Dr Lowe smiled as she set up her machinery to get the baby's heart beat.

"This has been the part I'm most excited for! I guess it's kind of knowing that this baby is actually real. I just can't really imagine that it's-" I said before trailing off. I turned my head to some sounds.

The sounds of my child. Inside of me. Those tiny heart beats, tiny but loud. I've imagined this feeling while I knew I was pregnant. I thought it would be good. But this is indescribable. I looked over to the screen. The black and white picture of mine and Matt's baby was there. Moving around. I gripped hold of Matt's hand tightly. He did the same to me. I felt tears of happiness forming in my eyes. I knew this existed but I never thought it could happen. It was a surreal sensation. The whole process. At the beginning, I couldn't quite believe that I was pregnant. I was scared to my very core. But now, seeing my baby. Hearing it's heart beat. Made me realise this is the best thing to happen to me. And I loved this. I glanced over to Matt. He was looking hard on the screen. Taking in every detail of our child. We were both completely mesmerised by this moment. Matt lifted his phone to take a picture of the screen. Also taking a video clip of the heart beat and the baby on the screen. Tears rolled down my face, making Matt smile at me, and kiss my temple. The doctor looked over to me. And smiled.

"Your baby is happy and healthy! Congratulations!" She continued to smile at us. I never wanted to stop looking at the screen. But after two hours of being in this room, I had to pee!! We were given details about our next visits to come, also some information I need to know about my diet and health. And obviously, the picture of my ultrasound scan.

Me and Matt walked hand in hand to the car and went back to our house. We were talking about our baby. It was just such an amazing experience! We must of been alone in our house for literally two minutes before everyone else walked in. I'm sure they were just waiting round the corner for us to come home. Alana was the first in, she ran up to me and hugged me.

"How did it go? What are you having? Tell me everything!!" Alana squeaked at me, pulling me down on the sofa. Matt sat next to me while the other four guys sat around listening as me and Matt told the full story of our two hour doctors experience, also sharing the photos and videos from the ultrasound. Matt posted the video of the heart beat on Instagram and twitter making the fans go all crazy excited again for the youngest You Me At Six band member to come into the world.


I couldn't believe that my luck had changed


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