The Consequence

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A/N: YMAS are just life, man..

Enjoy the Josh drinking water.


The Consequence


"Josh? What the fuck are you doing?" I snapped as I first saw him. Wow, I thought I was going to cry when I first saw him again. But angry? I never expected it! This was the guy I loved..

"Tamar, I want to talk to you. I have to tell you what really happened!!" Josh stepped forward with every word, until we were face to face.

"I don't need to hear it! You fucked Chelsea. That means we brake up, Josh.. No explanation!" I stated, walking past Josh. Knowing perfectly well that he was watching me walk away. I only got to the living area, with my glass of water, before I heard him following me.

"We can't just brake up, Tamar!! I love you! Please can't you just give me two minutes to explain myself!!" Josh sighed. I really didn't want to give him them two minutes. It won't change anything! I'm not staying with a cheater! I sighed waiting for him to begin his sob story.

"Look, I've always thought Chelsea was fake. When I told you I was going to get a drink I was going to talk to Chelsea first, then get a drink. I went up to the room, and basically just said about my feelings for her. How I think she's not in her relationship for the right reasons. And I think she is too public about her relationship. I basically told her why I don't like her! She told me why she is like the way she is. She was bullied at school and stuff and never had friends! Then she found Max! And people started to like her. Then we agreed to be friends and get along. Then I.. Um, I.." Josh trailed off his words..

"Come on! You what?"

"I kissed her.. Then it kind of led to more obviously!!" Josh held his head, knowing he was the cause of what went wrong.

"See! This won't work! I've lost all trust in you! What the fuck happened to 'I love you and I will never hurt you!' That went out the fucking window I guess! What even made you do that when you knew you were with me! It's not like you were drunk! You said yourself you wanted to get a drink after talking to Chelsea! It's just plain cheating! And I'm not going to stay with you!" I shouted at him as I moved around the room. The weird thing was that I didn't feel like I was going to cry!

"I know! I know I've fucked this up! I know I'm a shit boyfriend! But I love you! And even you can't ignore that!!" Josh came up close to me. Trying to force me to believe that I still love him too.

"No Josh!! No! I used to look at you and smile! Now whenever I look at you, I just see you with her! And I'll never be able to forget that! You know this is your fault! I can't be with you!" I sighed.

"Tamar!! Come on! I need another chance! What I did was a stupid mistake!! Please! I love you and I can't lose you!" Josh started to shout, making me more angry! This was his mess, I should be the one shouting at him!

"NO!! You can't just come in here! Knowing you've hurt me! Then ask for a second chance! That's not how it works! We are done! Over! Finished! No second chances!!" I shouted, throwing my glass at the wall. Making it smash loudly, water spilling over the floor. I turned to face Josh.

"I think you should get out of here.. I've already told everyone what's happened. It's not like your anyone's favourite around here.." I know that was harsh. But it needed to be said. Josh walked away, out of the hotel room..

-Matt's POV-

Tamar came back into my room. We were all still all sitting around on the bed. All awkwardly quiet after what we just heard. Tamar didn't say anything as she came in. She just laid on the bed behind where we were all sitting. I didn't know what to do. If I was there alone I would cuddle her and make sure everything was okay. But I've got three others in the room with me. Alana moved into the space next to her, facing her. The remaining three of us, some how telepathically told each other the same message.. To leave them together.





Tamar was still on my mind as I walked outside the hotel with Dan and Chris. That's when we saw Max. He wasn't crying like Tamar was. But he looked 100% upset.

"You alright mate? Tamar told us what happened" Dan sighed. Max nodded.

"I thought she would. I saw Josh a minute ago. I know he saw me, but he didn't come over" Max threw down his box of cigarettes next to him. There was only a few left. I hate to think about how many he's had in the time he's been out here.

"Would you really expect him too?" Chris asked. Max sighed. We knew the answer.

"He probably won't want to speak to any of us. Tamar just had a massive argument with him!" I said.

"Really? Where is she? Can I go and talk to her?" Max stood up.

"Yeah, go up to our hotel room, then she's in my room with Alana" I replied. Max walked away. On to the next person for us, I guess.





We found Josh just about to order a drink at the bar. I also took this opportunity to order a drink. It's been one hell of a day. Drinks. Are. Needed.

"Josh.." I said. He turned to us. And sighed. "Why the fuck did you fuck up your relationship?"

"It's not like you really mean that! You don't need to pretend now that Tamar isn't with me. You can go and be with her! I know you still like her. Tamar told me that you told her that you didn't like her anymore. You lied directly to her face!" Josh snapped at me. Chris was standing right there..

"Wait.. What? You, like Tamar?" Chris asked looked confused and shocked. "Why am I only finding out about this now?"

"Seriously, if I had it my way, no one would know how I felt!!" I sighed. Turning back to Josh. Very pissed off that Josh had just told Chris.

"Wait! I want to ask questions!!" Chris smiled. Dan gave him the 'Stop now' stare..

"Josh, I don't fucking care what you think about me! You don't know shit about what I feel for that girl!! I love her! What I said a few nights ago about her at Nando's when I was drunk, was true! I'm in love with her, and I was in love with her way before you were! She really didn't deserve that tonight! I knew from the start that she deserved better than you!!" I turned around and walked away not wanting to spend any longer with him. I was followed by Chris and Dan.

"I need answers! How long have you liked her?" Chris asked. I really didn't want to talk about it. But Chris kept going. So I just told him the whole story. I finished the story as we entered our hotel room. To see Max. Sitting alone. Actually looking okay!

"Did you speak to Tamar?" Dan asked. We all sat around with him. Max shook his head.

"I decided to talk to her tomorrow.. I haven't been in there. I didn't really want to today, after everything that's happened!" Max sighed.

I went and opened my bedroom door. Alana and Tamar were still laying on my bed. Asleep. It was quite cute really. I silently shut the door.

I sighed with a hint of a smile.

"Well.. I guess I'm on the sofa tonight.."


The Consequence


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