Mr Reckless (With A Capital R)

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A/N: I would probably be finished writing this story in about a week, maybe two.. I hope you enjoy it!! And I really hope you don't stop reading because of the terrible quality that is in the first chapters!! Please keep the voting and commenting and adding to your library and stuff. And maybe a cheeky follow!! And I will probably check out some of your stories as well!! But yeah.

Oh... And this contains a sexual scene... *wink wink* but it is the worst scene ever!! Very badly written! Awks!


Mr Reckless (with a capital R)


-Dan's POV-

Tamar walked out of my room after I told her to leave. I heard her go into Josh's room. But she soon left there as well. The next stop was Matt's room.

Trust loverboy to get up and do it! He's making it too obvious!





I got up the next morning. Thankfully, not by Tamar! But from my own free will.

The others were already awake.

"Fucking Tamar came into my room last night asking for some drinks! I told her to piss off!" I said as I rubbed my face.

"Aww, did she interrupt your beauty sleep?" Max made a stupid kissing face towards me.

"I know she did the same to me! I told her to leave as well!" Josh came and sat next to me.

"She came in mine too! I only got up so she would leave us!" Matt looked at me and Josh.

He got a stare from Josh. That boy needs to control his jealousy. And the other boy needs to watch what he says!

"Let's go and see them then!" I stood up.





We entered their room quietly as we saw they're were still cuddled up asleep on the sofa.

I slammed the door.

They both jumped up.

"Wakey Wakey!!" I laughed.

"Why?? Why do that to us?" Tamar said.

-Tamar's POV-

The door slammed. The sound was so loud!

It's early! What is happening!?!

Both Alana and I freaked out and jumped up.

"Wakey wakey!!" Ugh!! Stupid Dan! Stupid! That boy does not know what's coming to him for the rest of this holiday!

"Why?? Why do that to us??" I asked as I sat back down.

"Payback from last night Tay!"

Last night.. I remember last night.

That ass.

That same ass just sat down next to me.

"Well, thank you for that! But I have to go and shower! Thank you again!"

I walked away into the bathroom.

Josh followed me.

"Excuse me! This is a private room! Get out!" I laughed. Josh stopped me with a kiss and obviously, a cheeky grab of the ass.

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