Takes One To Know One

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A/N: So, I mean like, I was going to do this story just about a holiday. But then I was like, you know what, let's go further, because I quite enjoy writing this story!!

By the way, I'm sorry for my late update.. I forgot I was writing this!


Takes one to know one


-Matt's POV-

"You've gone and taken my fucking girlfriend away from me, Matt!" Josh yelled at me. Well, it was obviously my fault wasn't it!!

"What the fuck do you mean? You cheated on her! Now it's my fault?" I snapped. There is no way Josh is going to win this and make me feel guilty.

"Well, if you hadn't swooped in and taken her, I could of apologised and we could of been together!" Josh stepped towards me, trying to make me feel small and weak..

"No you couldn't Josh!" I pushed him back. "She was in a terrible state when you cheated. She would of never of forgiven you, and never ever would of taken you back! Maybe if you didn't cheat it would of been a different story. But your feelings for her obviously weren't that strong or you wouldn't of slept with Chelsea!"

"No, it was a mistake! I wasn't thinking at all. I love Tamar. And you aren't going to get in the way of that! Just because you slept with her doesn't mean you get her, okay.. That isn't going to happen!" Josh walked backwards a few steps before stopping once more.

"Yeah, whatever Josh. I am also in love with her. I've liked her since I first saw her! And I've liked her throughout your entire relationship with her. That was bloody hard, and I was still fucking in love with her!" I shouted.

"Yeah? Whatever Matt. We'll see about that when she leaves you and goes back with me!" Josh opened the front door.

"Uh! You're such a dick, Josh.." I sighed. Him and stupid games make me want to punch him.

"Takes one to know one.. I guess I'll see you and my girl on tour. Two weeks? Can't wait.." He gave the most sarcastic tone of voice and winked at me before leaving my house.

Tamar came down the stairs. I completely forgot she was here. Fuck.

"Any chance you heard nothing?" I sighed as I hugged her. My hands placed just above her ass.

"I heard the entire thing. There is no way in hell that I am leaving you for him!" Tamar smiled at me before giving me an amazing long slow kiss.

"Any chance that you can learn bass and go on tour for me?" I sighed as she smiled up at me. We did carry on hugging.

"I'll learn the bass, but there is no way that I am getting on stage. I don't know how you do that!!" She smiled. The front door opened before I could reply.

"Tamar!! Come on! I'm waiting to go to sleep!" Alana shouted. Tamar gave me another quick kiss before running off with Alana.





-Tamar's POV-

So the two weeks past. In these two weeks we had those weird group dinners, taking it in turns round everyone's houses. Josh didn't turn up to all of them. The ones he did turn up to, he was acting so normal with me and Matt, like nothing had happened between us. So normal, but kind of overly nice with me. And it was weird! Every time he was overly nice to me, I went and cuddled up to Matt, I felt safe there. Me and Alana took down our wall posters of our favourite bands. It took her all day. But it was for the best because as predicted by me, Chris and Matt did come over. A few times. Alana did go over Chris' house. I went over Matt's as well. I know we were only seeing each other, but we could still have fun! Couldn't we? You know the kind of fun I'm talking about!! Also the boys released their third album. It was amazing! It went in the mid-week charts at number one, but then dropped to number three. Still pretty amazing though!

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