Bite My Tongue

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A/N: I've had some 'technical difficulties' with wattpad lately. And they still aren't better. So if all the spacing and paragraphing is all messed up in this then you know why!

Also, the fillers have ended. For now. It gets real. The plot twist begins. I hope you like it and don't hate me!


Bite my tongue


"I'm in love with you.." Matt said. He looked at me, so tired and confused. He looked like he was about to be sick.
No one said anything. I couldn't bare to look at Josh. Matt told me didn't like me in that way any more! I could see anyone else looking at each other with their mouths wide open.

Matt started laughing..

"I'm sorry! I can't do it!! I don't love you! I would never cheat on my chicken!" He continued to laugh as he ate the scraps of the chicken.

That was awkward...

We went home soon after that. No one really wanted to stay. I don't know what would happen between me and Josh or what would happen with Matt! We all piled into the guys room. Matt was straight in the toilet, throwing up the drink and the chicken wings. While I carried on with Dan's hair, everyone else sat down on the sofa's.





Me and Josh were in his room. Getting ready for bed. I was about to get changed while Josh was already in bed.

"I wanted to talk to you about today" I sighed, knowing this could either be a big mistake or actually go okay.

"Okay, about what?" Josh continued to play on his phone.

"About Matt and what happened at Nando's. What he said to me." I turned to face Josh.

"He was joking Tamar!" Josh never looked away from the phone screen.

"I know.. But we all believed him, Josh! What did you feel when he said that?" Okay, I know I'm sounding really weird forcing out this stuff but, I really want to know!

"I was really ready to hit him, and even though he said that he was joking.. I don't know if he was, I mean, he likes you!" Josh sighed.

I pulled off my shirt, and my bra.
Nothing Josh hasn't seen before. But yeah, I did cover up again with Josh's shirt.

"Trust me! He doesn't like me anymore! He was joking! He told me himself that he doesn't like me in that way anymore." I dropped my shorts to reveal a very sexy pair of undies..

"I know Matt was joking about loving you. But I kind of feel like I'm falling for you Tamar.. I know a lot of people will say that we haven't been together for that long so it's obviously not real, but I kind of feel like it is" Josh got out of the bed and cuddled me. With his hands firmly on my ass.

Did that really happen?

Is someone in love with me?

For real.

"I love you Tamar Price!" he smiled at me.

"I love you too Josh Franceschi!!" I reached up and kissed him. Somehow Josh's tongue ended up in my mouth and I was laying on top of him on the bed.

Josh rolled over so he was on top. Taking off his top then mine. The kisses traveled down on to my jaw, then my neck, and in between my breast. He worked his way down to my thighs. And pulled off my sexy undies.

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