If I Were In Your Shoes

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A/N: You know what, I don't think I'm going to write A/N's unless I actually have stuff to say. Because this is just getting weird.

Sorry for not updating for a while. I'm ill..


If I were in your shoes


When you want to be alone, chances are someone will come find you. Happened to me. I sat on the same table I did at the start of the holiday. Thinking about everything. That's when Josh came and found me.

"Why are you out here all alone?" He sound so caring and sweet. Like it actually mattered to him.

"I wanted to be alone. After everything that's happened, I felt like I wanted some time to think about everything.. And now," I looked at him as he sat down next to me.

"Now I've kind of ruined it.." Josh smiled at me. The way he used to smile at me and look at me. Weird.

"Well, not exactly. I've been out here a while. How are you and the rest of them? After what happened and what you did?" I wasn't exactly going to let him forget that. I don't care how nice he was being. That killed me!

"Me and Max are okay. Chris? Yeah. Dan? Yeah. And Matt? I haven't spoken to him much. So I would say not okay! How are you with everyone after what happened and what you did?" I couldn't really work out if this was Josh's attempt to work things out between us. I think it might be a bit early to do that. I hope he's not doing that.

"Dan is fine. I haven't seen Chris and Alana at all today! Max, he's fine. And I haven't really spoken to Matt much either!" I sighed. I wanted to talk to Matt more than anyone else. No, I'm lying! Alana is the one I want to talk to. Then Matt. Chicks before dicks! Is that even a thing?

"You know Tamar, I really miss you. I know you won't take me back. But that was a huge mistake what I did. I can't really say much more. Because I know these conversations aren't really your thing. I love you Tamar and I don't know when I'm going to fall out of it. I want you just to believe that, and to know that!" Before I could say anything. Josh's lips were on mine. Giving me a gentle kiss, which was supposed to make me melt and fall back in love with him. And make him go back to him. That's when I realised.. Yesterday didn't make me like Matt. Being set free made me realise what I was missing. It could be too early to realise all these feelings and to start telling people that I like Matt when me and Josh ended just 2 days ago. But I couldn't just ignore that.

-Matt's POV-

Josh's kiss luckily didn't turn out as well as the other. Tamar pushed him off, then gave him one fucking hell of a hard slap. I heard the pain. Ouch. Must of hurt.

That was fucking hilarious!!

"Don't you dare do that after what you did!! Is that why you fucking came out here? You want to come and win me back! No Josh! How can I when I slept with Matt last night. And I've actually got feelings for him! Just go Josh, I don't really need you to be here right now.." She gave Josh a final sigh before he got up and left. He walked past me giving me a glare about what she had just said. I couldn't quite believe what she had said about me. She has feelings.. For me? I went and sat down next to her.

"How much of that did you here?" She asked me quietly.

"A lot. I arrived to see Josh kissing you. Not exactly the best moment, I guess. But that was one hell of a slap! I'm not getting one of those am I? I don't think I should considering we slept together last night, and you actually have feelings for me.." I quoted her, making her sigh at the fact that I heard about what she was saying.

Where Are We Going At Six? (You Me At Six Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora