The Truth Is A Terrible Thing

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A/N: I'm sad to say this is another filler. Please don't hate me and stop reading!! Trust me! Plot twist is soon!

Very soon..

Kind of..


The truth is a terrible thing


I woke up in Josh's bed the next day. Alana was with Chris. So there was no one in our apartment.

I laid there. Josh was asleep. It was 9:00 am. I started thinking about yesterday. And my conversation with Matt. That got awkward. I don't know how I feel about what Matt said to me. He doesn't like me in that way anymore. But I chose Josh! I can't expect him to wait around for ever!

Okay, this is getting weird. And I'm known for having random weird feelings and thoughts that I don't really feel. They're more like 'what if ' thoughts.

I got up. Obviously putting on one of Josh's tee shirts and a pair of his Calvin Klein's. I made myself some toast.

Then, as normal, I entered Dan's room. Matt was in there, with Dan trying to stay asleep. Dan didn't know I had come in as his eyes we're still firmly shut.

"Matt. Just. Piss. Off." He said slowly in a really sexy deep sleepy voice. He turned away.

"Dan! Come on! I'm here now!" I smiled, finishing up my toast and jumping on his bed.

Matt joined me. I laid on the right side and Matt on the left side. With Dan 'asleep' in the middle.

"Come on Dan! You have company now!" Matt smiled.

Josh walked into the room.

"How did I know I would find you in here, Tamar?" Josh laughed and join in on my side.

"Seriously! I was asleep!" Dan opened his eyes. He tried to push me away. But I grabbed his hair.

"You need to re-dye this! There's a lot of roots coming through!" I smiled.

Me, Matt and Josh were sitting up in the bed while Dan was still laying down.

"I know I do! I might just grow it out!" Dan mumbled.

"No! I like it! If I get some more bleach can I do it!" I smiled.

"Yeah, whatever!" Dan buried his face into the pillow.

"Can I do yours as well?" I asked Josh.


"Haha!! Imagine Josh blonde!" Matt laughed.

Alana came in.

"What is happening in here!" She asked.

"A MORNING SLEEPOVER!!" Matt shouted.

"A sleepover? In the morning? You do know what a sleepover is, yeah? It's when you actually go to sleep!" Alana laughed.

"Dan's sleeping!" I smiled.

"Trying to..." Dan mumbled.

"And sleepovers aren't just about sleeping! They're also about pillow fights!" Matt laughed as he whipped the pillow away from underneath Dan and hit I'm with it.

Matt got out of bed and held up the pillow. Dan also got out, looking angry.

Matt through the pillow at Dan's face and ran out of the room. Dan left the room with the pillow. All we heard from then on was a lot of running about. A bit of screaming from Matt and a lot of hitting with the pillow.

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