Sad Sight For Sore Eyes

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A/N: The action will hopefully build up from here! I think I know what's going to happen for most of the book! But I've got know idea for the ending!

Barnsey! Barnsey! Barnsey!


Sad sight for sore eyes


Alana walked into our room. I was sitting on the sofa.

"Well, hello! How are you and Chris?" I winked.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Come on! I know you guys kissed! Don't lie to me!" I smiled.

"Ugh! That so wasn't me! I don't know what I was thinking! I would never do anything like that! I've known him for a fucking day and a half! And now I've kissed him!" Alana sighed.

"It's okay! Calm down! It's not bad of you say if he likes you?" I said.

"Oh! Yeah! Like he's gonna like me!" Alana sighed.

"He might! Why wouldn't he?" I asked.

-Dan's POV-

We were all in our room except Chris.

But that changed when he walked into the room.

"Chris Miller! Where have you been? we're ready to go" Max smiled.

"Yeah! Come on! Nando's is waiting!" Matt laughed.

Chris didn't reply. We could tell something was wrong.

"What's up?" Josh asked.

"I kissed Alana"

Matt and Max made little 'oohhh' noises.

"No! It's not 'oohhh' I've known her for a day!" Chris sighed.

"Come on! We all know you like her! It was obvious! Tamar even said it to me!" I laughed.

"You and Tamar? Are you gonna get it on?" Matt smiled while poking me in the side.

"Fuck off Matt! You all know that me and Tamar are only close friends" I said.

"Whatever guys! We're going to Nando's now" Max walked out of the room, making us all follow.





-Matt's POV-

We entered Nando's. Found at seat. Ordered and all that crap.

Me and Dan went to get the drinks from the bar.

Perfect opportunity to talk!

"Everyone knew that Chris and Alana was going to happen" I said.

"Yeah! I think it's nice!" Dan replied.

"Earlier, did you say that you and Tamar were just close friends" I asked.

Shit! I just asked!

I can't take it back now!

I'm being over dramatic!

"Yeah, we are. She's nice, a good friend"

"Do you think it would be okay if I was to ask her to get a drink or to dinner or something?" I asked.

"Yeah! That'll be fine! She'll like it" Dan replied.

"What? She'll like it? Does that means she likes me?" I asked.

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