When You Sleep With Somebody Else

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A/N: So Florida is over. But I've decided not to end the story just yet. *insert winking face here*


When you sleep with somebody else


"Bloody hell, Tamar! Wake up!" A guys voice sighed and nudged my arm. I woke up, but kept my eyes shut.

"Dan, if I get up, and you tell me we still have an hour or half an hour or anything close to that, then I will never ever let you go to sleep again!" I said quietly, trying to convince my body that it was still asleep.

"No, I'm serious. We've just been told to put our seat belts on so I guess we're landing.." Dan smiled. He kissed my forehead. One fucking massive sigh later, I sat up.

"I know I'll probably see you guys again today, but I'm really going to miss sharing a hotel room with you guys!" I smiled. It does matter how much crap happened on that holiday, or how much I was stressed out or how much people pissed me off, I really liked that holiday!

"You didn't share a hotel room with us! But yeah, this won't be the last you see of me!" Dan laughed, poking my side.

"You're making yourself sound like an evil genius or something. And I basically did share with you, I spent like 4 nights in 2 weeks in my own room!" I smiled at him. He shrugged at me as we touched down onto the runaway. Even though I'm going to miss this holiday, I sure am glad to be home..





Yeah, real glad to be home. We all left the airport, wearing shorts and tee shirts because of the heat in Florida. And now we've arrived back in England, where it's raining like there's no tomorrow. Some of us came prepared for this. I wasn't one of them. Matt had nicely leant me a sexy as hell cheer up clothing hoodie. Grey and sexy! Max had brought a jacket. As did Chris. Alana had an umbrella. Which had Matt, Josh and Dan under it, as well as herself. We all made a run for it to a taxi we had called. More like a mini bus! It's nice living quite close to each other, we can all take one taxi. Matt, myself and Dan sat at the very back. Me in the middle, Dan to my left and Matt to my right. Chris was in front of me. With Alana to his left, and Josh to his right. Max sat at the front with the driver.

"Tay, can we come round?" Dan turned to me. Why the fuck does he want to come round? He's just spent two weeks with me!

"No" I replied. Give it to him straight. I got my phone out of my bag and began texting family and friends telling them I was back in the country.

"Ah please! I don't want to unpack!" Matt moaned, he leaned his head back on the head rest and sighed. He did keep one hand firmly on my cold bare leg.

"I do!" I smiled at the sulking lump next to me, as I put my hand over his hand that was on my leg.

"Uh, fine!" I sighed. "I'll make a deal with you all. If you five really want to come round that bad, then give me and Alana three hours to unpack and get ourselves together and good, before you all have to come and ruin our peace.." I sighed. I love these guys, but just getting home from the holiday, and they all want to come over? That's crazy. Normally I would unpack, have a shower then sleep. Not this time!

"Three hours? No. Do you guys want to come round mine instead?" Matt looked at me. He could see that I didn't really want to deal with the stress of everyone coming over. Damn, I regret not choosing him first..

"Yeah! Party at Barnsey's!!" Max wooped, getting a very obvious glare from the irritated driver.

"Thank you.." I whispered to him with a smile.

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