So Keep Your Mind At Rest

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A/N: Hi everyone! How have you been? Sorry... The chapters are still short! I'm gonna try and make them longer! Don't complain! Thanks if you've read this far!


Obviously... I love MATTHEW BARNES!


So keep your mind at rest


"I'm Dan. Dan Flint to be exact"

Okay! I know that I know that name from somewhere! But where! Soon I'm just going to ask! I don't care if it's weird! But oh wow.. Is he hot!?! Hell yeah!

"It's nice to meet you too, Dan" I smiled. I might of met him before when I was drunk.. That's probably the most likely theory!

Dan smiled back at me. He's gonna kill be with his beauty soon!

"I hate long flights. Once I went to Australia and I had to sit alone on a 23 hour flight! I was asleep for most of it, but I got lonely" Dan said.

When they tell you about there life it's always good. At least it's not awkward small talk about the weather!

"Yeah! I'm with you there! I've never been to Australia though! Or Florida. My friend only told me she had these flight tickets at the start of the week!" I laughed. Dan laughed with me.

Just tell me where I know you from Dan!

"Oh, so your only here on holiday with your friend. I didn't know if you had to come here for work or something" Dan nodded slowly.

"Actually, my friend, Alana, took me here to get away from the stress of finding work" I said.

I saw his face kind of light up at the sound of a girls name. Did he want to get it on with my bestie? I hope not!

"So, this Alana, is she just your friend?" Dan asked.

Yep. That's right. A nice guy, well that's what I thought anyway. What was he trying to get at by saying that!?!

"What do you mean? Are you asking me if me and my best friend for years are in some kind of relationship? That's a no. Or if you think you're going to try and get into her pants, then you can think again" I looked away and shoved my iPod into my pocket.

Stupid boy! How dare he try and get with someone he's never met! That's my best friend he's not messing her around!

Dan gave me a sorry look.

"That's not what I meant! I'm sorry! I was asking about you! Have you got a boyfriend?" He looked generally sad that I just flipped out on him.

"No, I haven't. Sorry for going off on one. But I always protect her. And if you want to ask me out or something, then I can't! I've know you for like 20 minutes, maybe half an hour and I can't be played around again!" I said, I didn't want to sound mean but this was a touchy subject for me.

"Again?" Dan asked.

Crap, do I tell him?

"Yeah, again." I sighed at the thought of telling him.

"What do you mean? You don't have to tell me if you don't want, like you said we've known each other for half an hour" Dan smiled. He was such a nice guy!

"I will. It won't matter, we won't see each other after this flight anyway" I said.

Dan looked down slightly in disappointment.

"Well, we might do, I don't know" I corrected my self.

Fuck knows why he doesn't already hate me. So far, I've stared at him a lot, shouted at him, and told him we will never see each other again. Not going too well..

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