I Keep My Friends So Close

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A/N: I don't know how you guys feel, but a sequel might just be on the cards for this here fanfic!!!

Also, give me feedback on how you feel about this and stuff!

This is one of the worser chapters by the way..


I keep my friends so close


We had just left Middlesbrough. And we were now going to Aberdeen. I was laying on the sofa's on the bus. Max and Chris were sitting on the other sofa opposite me.

"What are you doing, Tay?" Dan said as he came and laid on top of me. He looked at the screen of my phone and began to laugh.

"What is she doing!?!" Max asked.

"She's seeing if you can still have sex while pregnant!! Fucking hell!! Does Matt know about your plans!!" Dan got off of me. I sat up. Smiling at him.

"No, but I have a friend who was pregnant and she said at some point you get really like, you know.." I replied, very awkwardly.

"Do you mean you get really horny and all you want to do for a month is have sexy time?" Dan smirked his little blonde head off, making me just sigh at him.

"Whatever Dan!" I left the sofas and went over to Alana and Matt.





"Come on, Josh! Come shopping with us!!" Dan smiled. Dan and myself were waiting to go to look around some shops in Aberdeen.

"Uh! Fine! Whatever!!" Josh sighed. He picked up his phone and left with us. Everyone else stayed back at the bus. It was just me, Dan, Josh and Tom Barnes. He was the guy that was filming their tour updates. Also, he was in no way related to Matt Barnes. They asked me if I wanted to be in the updates. For some reason I said no..

Obviously, we were stopped by fans now and then. Most of them are really nice! A few of them didn't really talk much.

For the majority of the time, Josh and Dan were walking along holding hands. Pretending they were in some kind of relationship.

"I'm so hungry! Do you guys want to go and get something to eat?" Josh asked us. We excepted his request. But of course we couldn't just go to Nando's. The guys had to do some kind of little magic trick with Dan's phone. Pretending that the phone teleported them to Nando's. Obviously, with the right camera work, they might be able to fool some people! But not many!! It was cute though.

"Tamar, come on! You bitch! Hurry up!" Dan sighed. I was walking along behind them. Dan put an arm around me to hurry me up.

"I'm coming! Calm down!" I put an arm around his waist.

"Not fast! Come on! You're not fat yet! I'm sure we can walk a little faster!!" Dan looked down at me.

"Being pregnant doesn't mean you're fat! It means you're growing a life!" I smiled. Point fully proved. I wonder which one was going to dig it first.

"Wow. How emotionally deep!" Dan smirked about his sarcastic comment. Such a dick!!





We arrived back into the venue the guys were playing tonight.

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