If You Love Someone You Should Set Them Free

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A/N: This is a long chapter (I think! To me it is!) but yeah. Enjoy my dears! And the picture is the top that Tamar received from Josh.


If you love someone you should set them free


"Okay, so I think, my next doctors is when I'm 15 weeks pregnant. So that's like a month away! Christmas is two weeks away. Then two weeks after that is my next doctors! That's so close!" I said, half thinking out loud, half talking to Matt who was much more interested in checking Instagram than listening to me.

"It's quite long away.." He muttered to me from his iPhone screen.

"Do you think we should find out what it is? Like, boy or girl?" I sat down next to him. It had been a week since my last doctors appointment. And I was absolutely buzzing for the next one! Matt put his phone down on the side and pulled me into his lap.

"If you want to find out, then I'm happy to do that. But if you want to wait, then I'll wait with you.." Matt smiled at me before giving me one of his famous romantic long slow kisses. He laid me down on the sofa with our lips still connected. He climbed on top of me, but supported his own body weight as his tongue traveled into my mouth. My arms nicely sat around his neck, pulling him in closer. Matt's hand began to wander about slowly up and down my back, then making it's way up my shirt, and about to loosen my bra when..

"Knock knock Barnes!!" Dan walked in. He stopped when he saw us. We instantly separated. Dan wiggled his eyebrows before the rest of the band joined us. All except Chris and Alana.

"This is actually our house! You actually have to knock!!" I said, straightening out my shirt.

"Whatever Tay.. We're here to talk!" Dan sat down.

"Where's Chris?" Matt asked.

"He's with Alana, they wanted sexy time, so we were like alright!" Josh explained as he sat on the sofa and opened a beer.

"What about us? What if we wanted 'sexy time'?" I asked, getting myself the boring cup of water.

"Pffft!! Fucks sake Tamar! You get enough of that! How do you think you got pregnant?" Dan smirked also sipping a beer. I looked down into my glass of water and swirled it around. I pouted in sulk as I sat back down.

"So, why are you guys here?" Matt asked, slowly tapping his fingers against his leg.

"Well, it's actually about her being pregnant!" Max said.

"What?" I asked.

"We're gonna go on tour again in March, through to April. And obviously we need Matt there, but he has to be there for the doctors stuff as well. And we don't know if you're coming on this tour, or if Matt is going to come back when you have a doctors appointment or what?" Dan explained to us. Me and Matt looked at each other. We didn't even think about the tour!!

"I don't know. I mean, I'm going to be quite far on by then! So, I don't think I'll go on the tour, but I don't know, on our next doctors appointment we'll ask about stuff.." I said.

That's that problem out of the way anyway! Knowing the guys, the main reason they wanted to come round is to drink Matt's beers and eat our food.

"Oh, and we wanted to know about Christmas as well. Whose house? What time?" Josh asked. He was also shoving some crisps into his mouth making him look ultra attractive.

"Umm, I don't know. What do you think?" I looked at Matt.

"Never mind, it's already decided, we're all coming here!" Dan winked at me "And we're coming really early so you can give me all your wonderful gifts that you have thought hard about and spent a lot of money on!"

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