A Grudge The Size Of A Short Story Which Now I Have Told You All

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A/N: I'm not saying anything to you lovely readers. You'll know at the end of this chapter. Ahh, sigh. And the pictures are Tamar's hair and outfit.


A grudge the size of a short story which now I have told you all


Everyone was still at Max's house the next morning. Well, not everyone. Us seven were. Me and Matt found a spare bedroom with no people to sleep in. I'm pretty sure I saw Josh asleep in the bath last night.





It took a long time for everyone to emerge from their random sleeping places and we all gathered in the living room.

"You guys are still here?" Max asked us with a deep morning voice.

"Yeah. We're tired!!" Dan yawned and laid back onto Chris.

"Josh, get any action last night?" I winked at him. He shook his head.

"No, you did!! I saw you making out with some random chick!" I laughed, everyone else looked at Josh for answers. His face stayed blank.

"Really? I didn't mean to, I don't think I did anyway.." Josh slouched back as Max laid across him.

"Does anyone want a lift home so they don't die by driving themselves?" I smiled at the hungover group.





The next day, I got possibly the weirdest text from Dan ever.

"Matt, do you have any idea what this means? What does he want?" I passed my phone to Matt. The confusion swept over his face.

Dan Flint, the sexy drummer from the plane: Miss Price. Get yourself ready, looking sexy by exactly 6. We're going on a date tonight. Tell Barnes not to worry! I'm not going to do anything stupid. We won't drink. We will have an awesome time! Oh, and also tell him not to come!

"Why is he doing this?" I asked. I know me and Dan have an awesome relationship but, a date?

"I don't know! He's so weird!! Are you going to go?" Matt handed back my phone.

"Do you think I should?"

"Just go and get ready. But don't be too beautiful because then I won't let you go!" Matt stood up and kissed my forehead.

"Do you know anything about this?" I asked. I don't understand why my boyfriend would let his girlfriend and his baby go on a date with his best friend without knowing anything.

"No, but it's Dan.. You've known him longer than you have me!" He smirked.

"Yeah. By like a few hours!!" I sulked up the stairs.

Don't look too beautiful. Don't look too hot. It's Dan. Not Matt!! I can't believe I'm doing this. It's the second day in the whole year. January 2nd. And it's already weird as fuck!! I decide to have my make up the normal way. Not to outrageous but just simple and natural. My hair was straightened and in a style of what they call 'the four strand waterfall braid.' It's actually quite cute. It only went around a quarter of my head. My outfit was casual. It was the middle of winter, so I wasn't ever going to go out in a bloody dress or shorts! But I still looked cute. I was wearing a grey mid-arm-length sleeved jumper. I layered a light brown cardigan on top of it with some really cute little buttons on it. Because it was really cold, I added another layer. But it was only a thin green jacket. On my legs, I wore some simple black leggings. And on my feet I wore some cute little boots that were dark brown with little buttons also. Obviously I wouldn't leave the house without the finishing touch. The diamond necklace that my main man brought me for Christmas.

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