Kiss And Tell

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A/N: Sorry, that last one was kind of a filler... And it was quite short... What do you guys think of Spencer anyway? Also, please keep commenting and telling me what you think, feedback is great!! I have been having some 'technical difficulties' with wattpad and commenting and stuff, but it should be okay now!!


Kiss and tell


I sat down with Dan on opposite deck chairs.. I was kind of bricking it for this conversation.

I don't know why...

"What did you tell them when you left?" I asked.

"Well, at first I just said that I was going to go. Then Max asked me, so I just said I was going to talk to you" Dan replied.

Uh!!! People are start going to ask questions now! Alana is already suspicious about why I was in a bloody dress! It seems so over dramatic, but I don't want everyone knowing about this!

"What's going on anyway? You seem all awkward. Like your hiding something."

I just looked at him, and shook my head...

"How you, someone I've known for a matter of days, knows me better than anyone!!" I laughed.

"Haha!! I'm pretty cool like that!"

"Anyway... Here's the story.. This all happened today. This morning, Josh kissed me. Matt saw. Josh didn't know that Matt saw. I knew that Matt saw. Matt went off. I found him at the beach. He said Josh had no respect for me. Then he said that he liked me. I had a go at him because he was being stupid and over dramatic. He asked me on a date. I went on the date to give him a chance. We were on our date. Josh walked in. He started to have an argument with me. I shouted at them both then walked out. I sat on the beach. Met a guy called Spencer, who by the way asked if you could follow him on twitter and Instagram. I explained to him the entire story. I asked him who I should go for. He said Matt. I went back to mine and got changed. Now, here we are" I explained.

Dan looked kind of blank. That was a lot of information though.

"What's this guys twitter then?" He asked.

"Out of everything that I just told you, that's what you wanted to know?" I sighed.

He just laughed.

"I'm messing with you!! I have something to tell you. At Nando's last night, Matt came up to me and asked if there was anything going on between me and you. So, if I were you, I mean I love Josh and everything-" Dan said

"Flintceschi" I couldn't help myself.

"There is no Flintceschi, trust me"

"Yes there is. Max sent me evidence of you two asleep cuddling after Nando's last night"

"Max doesn't know what he's talking about! Anyway, I would go for Matt. He made sure it was okay with me. He wanted to ask you out before he kissed you. I'm pretty sure when he saw you and Josh, he was on his way to ask you then! I think he's right for you" Dan smiled at me.

"You just want to have Josh to yourself, don't you?" I smirked.

"Shit! I've been caught!"

"But, I don't know! Everyone is saying Matt. But, I just keep thinking Josh!"

Dan dragged me in for a hug.

"Sleep on it! Whoever you wake up thinking about, that's the one your going to choose. Because they're always on your mind"

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