3 Makes It A Crowd

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A/N: Okay... So are we Team Barnes or Team Franceschi? I love Matt! But then I love Josh's legs!! So, it's kind of a mixed opinion!!

Sorry for such random A/N's!!

Oh and just so people know, this is probably as long as the chapters are going to get. I thought they were quite long but then it turns out they're not. So don't expect longer.


3 Makes it a crowd


-Josh's POV-

I found Tamar sitting outside on a table alone.

Wow. She can definitely clean herself up well. Even though she did look perfect when she first woke up.

"Hi" I smiled, I sat down next to her.

"Hey, I was just thinking about Alana and Chris. It's not fair! I want something like that!" She said. But she didn't know what was coming next.

I watched her.

"Maybe you can! What's the deal with you and Dan? Do you like him?" I got just a bit closer

"No, we're just friends! I love him as a best friend buts that's as far as it goes! Why?" Tamar smiled.

"I was wondering, because maybe you could be with him.. I don't know.." I replied.

"No. Me and Dan? That would be weird!! But it would be a cute story to tell!! How we got together on holiday!!" Tamar said. I just looked at her. Wow..

I placed both my hands on both her knees as I only moved in. She didn't move away.

Our lips connected. I felt her slightly kiss back..

-Tamar's POV-

Josh kissed me.

This day started so normal... And now I have a Josh Franceschi on my lips.

The kiss ended. Josh smiled at me. I barely knew him!! What was happening in my life right now!

I was speechless I didn't know what to think. Or say.

I saw Matt out of the corner of my eye. He walked away as if he hadn't seen anything.

I turned back to Josh.

"Wow. I didn't expect that to happen. I don't really know you that well Josh. I can't just be with you" I sighed. He looked sad as I told him.

"It's not about you. I have some trust issues after my last boyfriend who cheated on me. I barely knew him before we got together. Yeah we stayed together for a while but then it ended terribly! I don't want the same thing to happen again" I explained to him.

He smiled at me with his melting smile, and beautiful blue eyes. He understood. And that's all I wanted him to do. To understand.

"So, where do we go from here?" he asked.

"Well.. We should wait. See what happens. I am interested in you, but I just need a bit of time" I smiled.

But I was just thinking about Matt. He saw us. He might of told the others. And might of created a stir about something that's nothing.





We entered the room. Only Dan and Max were in there. Playing FIFA.

"I can't believe this is how you guys spend your holiday!" I laughed. Them boys are crazy.

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