Jealous Minds Think Alike

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A/N: Sorry for not updating for a while. It was my birthday yesterday, and I was ill this week. But the main reason for not updating is because I forgot that I was actually writing this. So, I'm sorry about that!


Jealous minds think alike


Josh sat down between me and Matt...

This was awkward...

"Tamar, what's going on?" Josh asked me.

"I saw what happened between you two" Matt sighed.

"Then why did you ask her on a date? And Tamar, why did you agree to it?" Josh was more angry with me than he was with Matt. I don't blame him.

"You're not the only one who likes her, Josh. Just because you fucking kissed her doesn't mean you get her! She should have a chance with me as well!" Matt snapped.

"I'm not making any commitments with anyone. It's like I've told Matt! I've known you guys for a few days and both of you are acting like I've gotten married to the other while I was with you! It's not like that. If you're both going to get this annoyed while I was with someone other than you, then it's not going to work, with either of you!" I stood up after my rant and walked straight out of that place!

-Josh's POV-

Tamar walked away from both of us.

I turned to Matt, he looked really upset and disappointed.

"Sorry, I just ruined your date" I sighed.

I walked out as well.

I hope I haven't just lost her.

-Matt's POV-

Josh left.

I can't believe that just happened.

I really like her. She's going to choose Josh. Why wouldn't she choose Josh? He's the lead singer, I'm just the bassist! He's better looking, that's what everyone thinks. He's obviously the first choice.

I don't know what she's going to do.

I'll give her time. But now is a good time to use my motto...

If in doubt, get the chicken out!

I, of course, ordered more chicken.

-Tamar's POV-

I had to be by myself for a while...

And I mean myself. No Matt. No Josh. No one from you me at six. Not even Alana. No one.

I walked along the beach for a while. I was still in my dress and I had cried a little bit.

I got some looks. Not nice ones. People were feeling sorry for me.

I sat down on the empty beach. A guy sat down next to me. I didn't know him. He looked about my age. Maybe a year older. His hair was a light brown colour. And it was in the flippy hair style. He was tall and skinny. Oh and not forgetting the fact that he was very very sexy!

"I saw you sitting here. And you look upset, I wanted to make sure you were okay, I've been alone when I'm upset, it's not a nice thing" He said.

I can't be dealing with more guys though. No matter how sexy he is!!

"Yeah, yeah! I'm fine. I'm just slightly confused. Slightly upset. And I've been alone too, and I know what you mean" I sighed.

He smiled at me.

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