* Chapter 3 *

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Hayley's POV

I walk into my room and damn this is probably the most fancy hotel room I have ever been on. I slam the door shut and jump on my bed.


Then, I suddenly hear banging from the door. I furrow my eyebrows and walk towards the door. I open it and couldn't believe my eyes.

"Hey uhm can you not slam your door and not yell we're trying to do something next door" The boy says.

That boy wasn't just any boy...IT WAS FREAKING JONAH MARAIS!!!!

I nod my head and he sighs.

"Sorry if I sounded rude it's just...can you keep it quiet? We're trying to practice something" He says.

"Ok" is all I managed to say.

He leaves and I quickly close my door. Quietly. I lay on my bed and try to calm myself down. I just saw Jonah Marais. After about 10 min, I finally calm myself down and realised what the time was.

"OH MY GOD ITS ALREADY 3PM!!!" I quickly grab my bag and head to the stadium.

(at the stadium)

Wow there is so many people here...mostly girls. I try to squeeze through and thank god I have VIP tickets. I sat in the front row but I got lucky enough to get a seat that was for one person only. I go on my phone and go on my social media as I wait. Finally, the lights dim and I music starts playing. I stay seated as I see the boys come out on stage.

(M&G TIME!!!)

The show ended and omg that was so epic. Now I gotta go to the where the m&g happen. Wow there is a really long line. For some weird reason I didn't feel bored at all as I waited for me to be in the front...probably because I get to meet the cutest boy band ever! Plus, I actually have fans here too. We all took pictures and I made sure to tag them once I post them. There was some haters but all I got from them were glares and ugly looks. Eh they don't matter to me anyways.

Finally, after waiting for so long I was finally in the front. I smile and kept my excitement inside. I got to meet Jonah first. Haha what a coincidence.

"Hey Nic-your that girl from the hotel?" He asks.

I nod and we both laugh.

"What a coincidence" He says.

We hug and we took pictures.

"Well I'll see you later..."

"Hayley, Hayley's the name" I say as I walk away.

After that I got to meet Zach, Corbyn, Daniel then Jack. OML JACK AVERY IS DADD- wait those days are over. But he's my favourite one of them all.

"Hello beautiful" He says as I approach him.

I blush.

I wave at him and we both take a picture.

"Wait hold on...your Hayley Banks right? From instagram?" He asks. OML HE KNOWS ME...what am I talking about of course he knows me he freaking commented on my picture.

"Yea It's me!" I say enthusiastically. I feel so comfortable around Jack than the other boys. I don't know why but it feels like he's really cool to hangout with.

Anyways, we pull apart and it was time for me to leave. As I walked away, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him. He then whispered this in me ear,

"What's you number?"

Noodle Head Jack (Jack Avery Fan Fiction) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now