* Chapter 21 *

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(3 years later)

Hayley's POV

Its been 3 years and I haven't seen the boys or contacted them. I've been living with Liam and I've had the best time here. I've been keeping up with what the boys do by looking through their social media with a different account. To be honest, I really miss them and I think I'm ready to face them again.

"You thinking about them?" I hear Liam ask me.

I nod and sigh.

"I think I'm ready to see them again and if they hate me well, at least I got to see them" I say to him.

"okay well when are you leaving?" he asks.

"Well I dont know but I dont have to live with my parents anymore. My dad had saved up some money to get me an apartment. He already bought one last month so I'll live there and it's at LA too" I say.

"Well tomorrow is there 2 year of being a band so why dont you go tomorrow?" He suggest.

I smile and hug him.

"I'm gonna miss you so much" I say.

"It's okay, I'll miss you too and your annoying self" he says. I playfully punch his arm and giggle.

(next morning)

I wake up by the sound of Liam's voice.

"Wake up Hayley, you have a flight to get to" he says. I widen my eyes and quickly get ready. We bought the tickets yesterday night and I already packed my bags last night too. Liam takes my luggage and brings it to the car and me being me, I fix my hair.

"You ready?" He says after turning the engine on. I nod and we leave.

(skip car ride)

I hug Liam one more goodbye hug before entering the plane. I look back and he's crying. I will miss him very much. I get in the plane and sit down. Yes! I got to sit next to the window. After sitting down, a girl around my age sits next to me.

"Hi" I say and realize who it was. Emma.

"Oh" is all she says.

I take a deep breath and look out the window. She sits down and looks at me.

"Why are you looking at me?" I ask her calmly, trying not to explode.

"I-I'm so sorry for what I did. I was immature and I couldn't control myself. I've changed I swear and I'm hoping that me and you would be friends again" she begs.

"I dont know Emma. You broke that trust, really bad and stabbed me in the back so I dont think I can forgive you that easily" I say and I look back at the window.

I take my earphones on and before playing music, I hear her sigh.

"Ok you know what I cant do this, look I don't really forgive you right now but sure we can still be friends but what we had back then is long gone, understood?" I ask.

"Yeah and this time I won't do anything to hurt you" she says smiling. She gives me a hug but I don't hug her back.

"So why are you going to LA?" I ask. Oh I forgot to tell you that her original home is Miami but far away Liam's.

"Oh I'm seeing my boyfriend, you?" she says.

"Oh I'm going back to see the apartment my dad bought me and live there" I say putting a fake smile. You see, I dont forgive her...at all. I only said it is so that the whole airplane ride wont be awkward.

(skip plane ride)

I get off the plane and get an uber. I'm back LA.

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