Chapter 33 - Final Clash Part 2

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Disclaimer: Hey guys! Firestorm40 here with a new chapter for you all. Here is the conclusion to the Fighting Festival Arc. I've also decide to have my own story arc in between the Fighting Festival arc and the Oracion Seis arc.

Without further ado, Enjoy!


Lucy: "Last time on Fairy Tail: Legend of Roxas."

Roxas flies through Magnolia.

Roxas: "We finally found where Laxus was hiding."

Natsu, Roxas and Ariel found Laxus in the Cathedral, where he was fighting Erza.

Happy: "Wait, what happened to Mystogan!?"

Mystogan was fighting Laxus.

Lucy: "Jellal!?"

Mystogan disappeared.

Natsu: "Wait, is he Jellal or Mystogan?"

Roxas and Natsu were confused as to whether it was really Jellal after Laxus blasted his facial covers.

Erza: "We need to stop the Thunder Palace!"

Everyone in Fairy Tail teamed up to destroy the Lacrima.

Ariel: "Now all that is left is to defeat Laxus!"

Shows Natsu, Roxas and Ariel fighting Laxus together.

Natsu: "YES! I'm Fired up!"

Happy: "Laxus always kicks your butt remember?"

Laxus was gaining an edge over Natsu during their small fight.


Levy was running through one of the filled streets of Magnolia as fast as she could to stop Laxus. 'Laxus, that's enough! The master... Your grandfather... He's already...' she worriedly thought.

At the same time Porlyusica was looking at Makarov's unconscious body back at the guild with deep concern.


Laxus was charging up his electrical power after he had announced he would take the guild by force. Natsu, Roxas and Ariel were still being pushed back slightly by the energy Laxus was putting out.

"That's enough Laxus! Fairy Tail will never be yours now!" Natsu said.

"There is no reason to fight anymore!" Roxas said.

Laxus remained silent for a short time before he finally responded. "Oh, yes there is." He growled. "...Trying to force a bargain was pointless..." he said in a calm sounding voice.

"Bargain? What are you talking about?" Ariel angrily asked.

"I was going about this all wrong. I should have relied on my own power from the start!" His power began building even more. "This overwhelming power is my identity!"

Natsu ignited his right fist in flames. "You're not taking over Fairy Tail, cause we're not going to let that happen!"

Laxus raised his eyebrow. "Oh yeah? You kids don't know who you're messing with. I'm a lot stronger than any of you could ever dream! I can take over the guild anytime I want!" he then got a crazed look in his eyes that showed his rage. "...AND YOU'RE NOT STRONG ENOUGH TO STOP ME! YOUR BEST BET IS TO JUST GET OUT OF MY WAY!"

Fairy Tail: Legend of RoxasOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora