Chapter XXXXVI ~ Ian ~ Lost and Found

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Ayy, I started crying the other day as this reached 25K reads. Insanity.

I love each and every one of my readers. Enjoy.

~fluffie xox

Chapter 46 ~ Ian Hecox 

Song ~ Neighbourhood #1 ~ Arcade Fire

We ran as fast as we could, desperately panicking and estimating where Misty could be. We followed the direction Elena pointed us in, but we couldn't see her.

'She's probably hurt, being...raped...' I gasped to Anthony, running my hands through my hair. 'What if she's-' My eyes welled up.

'We're gonna find her,' Anthony insisted. 'I'll call the others and tell them to come here.' He pulled his phone out his pocket as he walked briskly. I guessed he'd call Kalel first, and he did.

'Kalel,' he said quickly. 'We think Misty's in the Youtube section. Can you guys come here? And can you call Kristie?' I heard faint mumblings in Anthony's ear.

'Okay, how about Chris? Does Phil have his number?' There was a short pause.

'Cool. Come over here, we're walking around the edge of the Youtube area. Misty's- yeah. Just come. Quickly.' He hung up and turned to me. 'They'll be with us soon.' I despairingly tried to tell myself that it would all be fine, that together we'd find Misty- but seeing as she'd last been seen forty minutes ago and counting, it felt less and less likely. If we'd called off the signing, she'd be safe with us as we'd have searched for her here...

'Don't panic,' Anthony instructed me firmly. 'We're gonna find her.' Tears were rolling down my cheeks as panic truly set in. Misty wasn't just missing, she was in danger. I loved her more than anything- and...I didn't realise how much I needed her until now when she was gone.

'Promise,' Anthony reinstated.

'Look, I'll check behind here,' I said, pointing to a booth. 'You go check that one over there.' I pointed to another to the right. 'We'll meet back here in a second.' Anthony nodded and jogged over. I darted my head into the curtain behind the booth, and pulled myself in, looking around. This was a sort of narrow corridor behind the main curtain of the convention center. It reminded me of where me and Misty first kissed. I followed the path a little bit, before being blocked by an emergency exit. Feeling paranoid, I pushed it open anyway. It was still raining outside.

There was a small girl lying on the puddled concrete floor, her face emotionless, her wet hair on the floor. She had a bleeding cut on her head which had congealed and began to bruise. Her face was pale and bare, and she lay in a black dress. Mourning her innocence.

My girl.

I fell to her side, forgetting about the weather and hitting the wet, puddled floor, whilst crying harder than ever.

'Misty!' I cried. Her eyes were closed. She was unconscious. I held her bare, wet shoulder- it was ice cold. I shook her desperately. 'Misty, please, wake up...' I held her close to me, inhaling her familiar subtle floral scent and tearing up more as it reminded me of her and all the good times we'd shared. 'Misty!' I shook her harder. She wasn't budging. I picked her up and held her in my arms, warming her up and embracing her scent, despite the fact she was soaking wet. She flopped over, completely unconscious. I didn't know why she was like this, but she had to wake up.

I shook her again, squeezing her shoulder, and held her close to me, rustling her long, tangled hair, brushing her pale cheek.

There were tears running down my face as I desperately attempted to get her to wake up. She was freezing cold and the cut on her head looked deep- more than just a graze. I held her close, her coldness transferring to me. I could barely feel my own arms now. How long had she been out here?

'What?' her voice mumbled. I jumped, shocked, then sniffed hard, not believing I'd heard it. I looked down and saw those unfathomable deep brown eyes looking straight up into mine.


'Ian- I- I fainted?'

'I don't know, I- Misty!' Without thinking, I pulled her straight towards me and kissed her with every inch of passion, with everything I had...I held her tight in my arms as I kissed with every second that I'd known Misty for. Misty pressed her lips hard against mine, to my surprise, and we continued, holding onto all we had- each other. The rain splattered around us, soaking us to the skin, no distraction to our long-awaited kiss. 'Misty...' I whispered as I pulled away. Misty seemed to jolt awake and fell out my arms into a puddle.

'But Ian, you- '

'Misty, you have to understand...'

'So Jay was...'

'Jay!' I cried, suddenly remembering. 'He was with, and- Misty, are you okay?'

'I...don't know,' she said, and her eyes welled up with tears. She brought her hands to her mouth. 'Lily hit me...and then I don't remember anything. Lily knocked me out.'

I stared wide-eyed, stunned into silence, droplets of water running down my face.

'Jay was there, and he tried to rape me again...'

'He what?'

'And then I pinned him down and he said that...he was with Lily...and he wanted revenge for you guys- kissing...' Misty winced as she spoke, almost as if she couldn't face that word.

'Misty, she kissed me, I promise that, she...she didn't do only that,' I said quickly, tears still rolling down my cheeks. 'I just can't believe I finally found you-'

'We'll make this work Ian, we'll make it all work out...Ian, I'm so sorry...I was just so angry. I thought you didn't love me. '

'Misty, that's anything but true.' We embraced.

'I thought what all the haters said was true,' she whispered in my ear. 'And then-'

'T, those haters- they aren't real.'

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