New Book

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Description of the Second book in The F's 4 collection.:
Bad boy Tyler Romanos is the son of billionaire Fabyan Romanos. He loves to party and thinks that he can get anything he wants with a snap of his fingers. His parents give him everything he wants and when he wants it but that all changes when one day his parents have had enough. Tyler has gone to far. In one of his wild parties the police came and arrested him for doing drugs and drinking underaged. Now he has to do community service for three years and he needs to help out at a daycare that his mother used to work at.

Anastasia LeBrant is her name, she has a big family. She has seven older brothers that are very protective of her. Since she sometimes can't handle her brothers' overprotectiveness she decided to work in a daycare to relax and get away for a bit. Anastasia is a good girl, that follows the rules no matter what. She is serious and strong headed girl.

What will happen when they cross paths?

Book started on: October 19, 2017

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