Chapter 3

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“Toby, dinner’s ready!”  I yelled from his door room, because Mom asked me to.

“Okay sister, be there in any minutes!”

“You better will!”

"I know right!  Meet you there!”

I smiled by his answer.  Okay, so one down, two more to go.  I knocked Riley’s door, saying the same thing.

“What?”  That’s for a million rude comments he threw me just for today.  What’s his problem seriously?

“Dinner’s ready, just to let you know.”

“I know, I can smell it.”

“Good, Mom and Dad are waiting for you."  I nodded my head to end the conversation as I walked up to Connor’s room. 

“Stop knocking I heard that!”

“I didn’t know you do, I've knocked for 2 minutes and you didn’t answer.”  I bowed my head.

“Okay just stop.”  He rolled his eyes and stepped downstairs, not asking me to go with him.  How rude, just so rude.

After serving the dinner on the table, I sit beside Toby because the other seats were taken, and he's the only person I was comfortable with, aside from Mom and Dad.

“Joan, why didn’t you tell Ella about that?”  Dad smirked looking at me.

“Oh I almost forgot.  So Ella,”

“Yes Mom,”

“You’re going to the same school as the boys!”

“OH YEAH!!!”  Toby hugged and congratulated me with the real excitement.

“Um…wasn’t it too much?  I’m not going to leave Mom alone at house because my first job is to help Mom…”

“Nope sweetie, we’re doing that together.  You still can help me, but school is too important.”  Mom winked at me as Dad nodded.


“So since you’re 18, you’re going to have similar schedule with Riley.  Right bro?”  Toby once looked at me and threw his face to his brother.


“Riley!”  Mom scolded him.

“Yeah Mom, okay.”  Riley looked at Connor, like seriously they had the same exact expression about this news.  I felt like they didn’t want me to be there.

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