Chapter 20

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It’s a new day over here, and I was getting better even if with this flu going on.  But overall, I was alright.  Mom and Dad were coming home already so we would have a family dinner tonight, five of them, plus Ella.  Wow, this couldn’t be better right?  Please note the sarcasm.

“Boys, Ella, we’re having a dinner tonight.”  Dad spoke to all of us.

“I thought it’s kind of our thing right?”  Toby replied.

“Yeah, but no, I mean this time we have guests.”  Mom half-yelled from the kitchen, she was with Ella making cupcakes.

“Okay, so…”

“So you need to dress up, and Ella would join us.”  Dad smiled and left three of us alone at the living room.

“You see that?”  Riley whispered.

“Yeah,” I nodded.  “We always dress up even at the smallest group of dinner ever.  What’s Dad trying to say to us?”

“Oh and Connor,” Dad was speaking from upstairs which made us stop whispering.  “Dress up.  Wear something semi-formal.  And try to look fresh.  You got those bags going on in here…”  Dad pointed to his eyes.

The rest were laughing and I bet they were trying to forget it but there’s something about this that was different.  I just knew.


“Honey, you feel better?”  Mom spoke as she and Dad hugged me once they entered the house.  They’ve been travelling for two days.

“I’m all good Mom thanks.”  I helped her with some bags and unload her stuff.

“So, as your Dad said, we’re going to have guests for dinner.  And I need your help.”  She winked and pinched my cheek.

“Sure thing Mom, what we’re going to make?”

“I’m planning to make pastas, some salads, and cupcakes for the dessert.  Is it good?”

“Perfect, I think I’ve bought something yesterday from the market because I was planning myself to make cupcakes before you came home.”  I smiled preparing the ingredients and stuff.

“Okay so you handle the cupcakes, I’ll be doing the pastas and salads.”

“Roger that!”  I made funny face and Mom kissed my cheek.  In case I didn’t tell you yet, I loved to be around Mom, she’s so positive, caring, lovely, beautiful, and I learned everything from her.  She’s a good chef, even better Mom.  Lucky them to have parents like Mr. and Mrs. McDonough, and lucky me to be a part of this family.

I spent about 3 hours with Mom at the kitchen; we prepared everything, as three of them were going to Starbucks – obviously – and brought me one.  To add some theatrical effect, it was Connor who gave me my Starbucks.

“This is your hot chocolate.”  He winked.

“Thanks so much Con.”  I sipped my Starbucks and got back to work.

Connor was about to say something but Mom cut him.  “Ella, I’ll be right back, I need to change first.”  Yeah, Mom finally realized that she hasn’t even changed her clothes to some comfy one before we started to cook. 

“No Mom, take a rest.  You’ll have guests right? I’ll take care of it.”

“Are you sure?”

“Mom it’s just pastas salad and cupcakes.  I won’t burn the kitchen.”  I laughed and dragged Mom to the stairs.  “Go Mom, I’ll be fine.  Take a rest please.”

“Thank you so much little daughter, I love you.”  She kissed my forehead and ran upstairs, and joined Dad to take some rest before dinner.

“Need a hand?”  Connor pulled his long sleeves and joined me at the kitchen.

“Nope,” I popped the ‘P’.

“Oh of course you are, look at this all!”  There’s Connor pretending like he’s a chef.

“Okay I need you to chop that veggies, and let me know once you’re done.”

I continued what I have here which was decorating the cupcakes.  I was fully concentrating until Connor wrapped his arm around my waist.

“Hey you, what’s this for?”

“Nothing, I just want to.”

“Yeah me too, I want to decorate this.  We’re running out of time.”  I rolled my eyes.

“Don’t you miss me?  Am I still not good enough?”

He made me freezing in a way or another.

“Hah, and that’s even a joke.”  I, of course, tried to look normal.

“It’s not, can’t you see?  It’s not.”

“And what was the point?”  I turned around and faced him, like I didn’t want to die today.

I thought he was trying to say something but no, he kissed me, again, right on the lips, just like that day at the park bench.

“I like you.”  He closed his eyes and I didn’t know why but I followed him to close my eyes too, and he landed me another short kiss.  “And that’s not even a joke.”

“Let’s…uh…bake these cupcakes…”  I said in shaky voice.

“Yeah, we better do.”  We were standing too close to each other, I was with a mixer in my hand, and I got his hand around my waist.  Weirdly awesome.

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