Chapter 10

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“Ella, you’re strong enough to walk?”

“Yeah Con, thanks.”

“No need.  Come on I got you.”

I walked slowly with Ella with my hand on her waist; and I…  No I meant I did that to support her body, she couldn’t walk properly after all.  Don’t get me wrong…even if it’s okay to wrong like…okay stop.

The rest of the walk, we didn’t say anything.  She remained silent but saying ‘aw’ once in a while.  You should see her body right now, it’s too weak and full and bruised.

“Um…you can’t climb up so…”

“I’m so sorry…”  She cried a bit realizing that she was that weak.  I was actually pretty happy that we decided to have a car with us.  We usually just walked to school because it wasn’t that far from home, but today we decided to take a ride.

I put all her bag and stuff at the back seat, and came back to her, carefully carried her bridal style and placed her at the passenger seat.

“You okay, comfort enough?”

“Yeah thanks for carrying me.”

“Nope, I don’t mind.”  I smiled to her and walked to the other side of the car, I climbed and we drove away.

“Where’s Riley and Toby?”  I heard her slow voice tried to speak normally.

“They have clubs today, Riley with football and Toby with basketball.”

“And why don’t you join them?”

“How could I leave you alone?  Now way, it won’t happen again.  Never…”  I looked straight to the road avoiding the eye contacts with Ella because the situation is pretty awkward.

“Okay…thank you again for that.”

“Stop thanking.”  I smirked as she laughed a bit.

“Hey Con, that park…”

“Yeah, this is where we actually gather every afternoon, along with Thomas and Chris, my friends.”

“They’re in the band too?”

“Thomas yes, but Chris, he’s our friend so sometimes he helps us with the show.  He’s the guitarist, just like me.”

“Oh…can we pull over?”

“You’re too weak El.”

“Okay…”  She said and pouted her face looking outside.  She didn’t show me that expression but I could see that.

“Sure, we’ll pull over.”  I parked the car.  “What’s next, princess?”

I…said something that shouldn’t be said…

“That park bench.”  She tried to climb out of the car but I helped her already.

“Take care of yourself, can you?”  I looked deep down into her eyes, telling her to watch her step next time.  She’s somehow that careless.

We walked across the park to the park bench at the center of it, and took a seat.  I didn’t know what we’re going to do right here but I just needed to follow her.

“So Con,”

“So Ella,”

“Oh you first,” she stopped talking and waited for my next words.

“No you first,”

“Lady’s first.”  She said smirking.

“Oh LADY’s first?”  I widened my eyes and we both laughed.

“Okay I just want to say thank you very much, three of you, you’ve been doing so much to me.”  She bowed her head deeper than before.

“That’s no need, Ella.  That’s what we supposed to do.”

“But what happened to Mandy and her friends?”

“Mr. Johnson just called me and he said Mandy won’t be anywhere near you anymore.  She’s no longer with us.”

“She’s being excluded from school?”

“No, she’s home schooling, effective immediately.”

“Oh my goodness, that was my fault.  She doesn’t need to do that.”

“She deserves it Ella, she’s punching you in face and cut your wrist and that’s enough.  It better this way.”

She remained silent and I looked at her, and she returned the look once she realized it.

“You, I’m going to protect you from anything.  You hear me?”  I spoke in serious tone as she nodded slowly.

I held her face with my both hands and…I kissed her…on...the...lips.  She was hesitated at first but after a second, she kissed me back.  And it felt good.  Don’t ask why I did that.

"I'm sorry..."  I released her...but wasn't it too long?  We've been kissed for a single two minutes.


"Can we go home?"


I looked at her eyes once again and pecked her lips.  I just thought it's the right thing to do.  I just wanted to do it.  Should I explain it?  It's already complicated but I was happy with this kind of complication.  Uh, I meant...never mind.

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