Chapter 17

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Rainy Orlando; such a great day we had here.  I drove Thomas and Chris back to their home, not to mention I was pulling over for 5 minutes at each of theirs.  So since the rain wasn’t compromise, I had my shirt wet.

“Ella, you okay?”  I hugged her from behind…for no reason, I just wanted to.

“Me?  I’m all good.  And you’re…oh there you go another flu and fever.”  She placed her hand on my forehead.  “You have high fever Con, take a rest.”

“You need a hand to prepare the dinner.”

“I have my both hands.”  She was sticking her tongue to me and I found it adorable, uh…  “Go, I don’t need your help.  I’m going to help soup and I have Tank with me just in case.”


I turned around slowly and rubbed my neck because it was awkward, and made a way upstairs.  But not a single minute, she grabbed my wrist and wrapped my hand on her shoulder, and held my waist.

“Go, you’re too weak to walk by yourself.”

She’s right, I felt too weak.  It’s a rare thing for me to get flu and fever like this.  But she’s also right; I was happy in such condition like this.

“Okay I’ll be right back with the soup.  Just relax yourself and try to sleep.”  She put my blanket on, wrapped it up all over my body, and put her hand once again on my forehead.  “You’re going to be okay…”

“Thank you so much…”  I grabbed her hand and kissed on the top of it.  And she faced me the blushing cheeks, just like the other day at the park bench.

“Okay Connor, I’ll be cooking downstairs.  Let me know if you need me.”

“I need you now to be here.”

“No you need sleep.  Liar…”  She laughed a bit and seriously left me, and let the door closed.



Okay two boys down, anyone else?

I need to take care of two boys at the same time, and one puppy definitely, when Toby was being at his room all day long with his lovely flappy bird or something.  When I asked him to help me, he said ‘I don’t want to ruin the moment’.  That’s Toby McDonough ladies and gentlemen, in case you didn’t know.

So I practically ran here and there the entire kitchen as well as be ready if any of them calling me.  Both of them were too weak so they were going to need my help.

Boiled the water, chopped the vegetables, sprinkled the salt and pepper, finger crossed this soup would be good enough.

“Ella…”  That’s Riley.

“Yes Ri be there in a second!”

“Ella…”  And that’s Connor.

“Yes Con, a second please!”

I took my deepest breathe and looked at Tank.  “What, you want to join it too?” and rolled my eyes. This was going to be a long day.

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