Chapter 21

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The dinner has served.  We were waiting for the guests to come.  I myself had dressed up; I wore a long sleeves black dress, a bandana, and flat shoes.  Next up, I helped the boys to get ready.  The first was Toby, because he practically did nothing but Starbucks-ing today. 

“Should I really wear a tie, El?”  He spoke to the mirror.

“I guess Mom didn’t say so.  Let’s hope not.”

“Okay, how about this?”  He turned around.  Toby was wearing dark blue long sleeves shirt with black jeans.

“Perfect.”  I smiled and left him because I got other two patients right here.  He’s already got the style so I pretty much did nothing to him.

“Connor, are you done?”  I knocked the door, as he opened and faced me that deep blue ocean kind of eyes.  “Uh…that’s perfect outfit…”

“You’re beautiful.”  He grabbed my waist, closed the door behind me with one kick, and pulled me into his hug.  “So Ella, I’m sorry for whatever did happen during this time, from the park bench to the kitchen.  I guess I just want to do the right thing.  Hope I’m good enough for you.”

“You’re…definitely too good for me.”

“No, you’re the best.  You deserve me, even better.  I like you.”  He kissed my forehead and it lasted longer than I thought.  “Oh and, go find Riley, he needs you maybe.”

“Are you good?”

“No,” I could see he almost blinked the tears but he tried to not to.  “Yeah, I’m fine.  Go, the guests will be here in any minutes.”

I was about to leave his room but he again grabbed my hand and kissed the top of it.  “See you soon, princess.”

“Aw you’re so ancient.”  I rolled my eyes laughing and seriously left him.

Okay this was the last one.  I knocked the door and he opened it.

“Come on, come inside and close the door!  I have nothing to wear oh God…”

You…know…what?  He…was…only…with…his…towel…on.

I tried to throw my sight to every corner of the room except to look at him with like this.  It’s uncomfortable at all.

“Baby I’m talking to you…what happened?”  He turned around and put his hands on my shoulder.

“Dress up, Riley…”

“I have…OH.  Oh my God sorry I didn’t mind to…  I think…I’m going…to…”

“Yeah, take your time…”  I bowed my head trying to not laugh but a second after he closed that bathroom door, I burst out laughed.

“Okay done,” He came back with jeans and white t-shirt.

“And that’s better.”  I stopped laughing and focus on finding his suitable outfit for tonight’s dinner. “Oh, this one is perfect.”  I gave him a pair of blue leather jacket and black shirt. 

“Thank you, my lovely stylist.”  He came closer to me and winked, grabbed the outfit slowly from my hand, leaving me breathless.

I thought he was going to change at the bathroom, but no.  He was there standing shirtless for single minute again, in front of me.  That’s twice just in 15 minutes.  I need fresh air.

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