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"Come in baby.'s been awhile you guys didn't come to our house" My mother hugged me tightly and my step daddy take our bags. "We were so busy with works,ma. How's Korea?" The whole family are sitting at the living room in the middle of the night. "It's good to be here again it's been a years I didn't come here the place where I grew up" My late dad and my mother is Korean but my dad's mother a.k.a my grandma is an American so they moved to America after my brother 'arrived' to this world.

"So how's you guys project here?" I talked a lot with my mother while my boyfriend is playing with my step dad. "Dad do almost everything and I'm just helping him with small things. I couldn't work anymore honey. I just stay at home and watch drama and Korean dramas are so good!" My mother is 7 years older than my step dad and they marry each other because I don't know I don't give a shit when they got married few years back because I hate him as much as I can.

"I think you guys should go to sleep because you guys need to go to work tomorrow right? It's okay I can choose which room I wanna sleep just go to sleep okay? I love you ma good night!" I grabbed Michael's hand and drag him to a 3rd room in 2nd floor. "Your step dad never disappoint me!" He still talking about their game just now. "I know that thank you. So now go to sleep and let's start new life tomorrow!" I turn on the air conditioner and sleep with him.

The Next Day...

I woke up so early as always after I be Michael's girlfriend because I need to cook breakfast for him,find his stockings and clean my house. Don't get me wrong Michael live with his parents so I need to be more respectful since I'm going to be their daughter-in-law soon lol.

I open the door and I heard some noises from 1st floor. "Good mor- YOONGI!!!!!!" I jump into his hand cries a lot in his embrace. "Omg you shit why you never reply my message?! I missed like hell ya know" I kicked his butt. "Ya know a week after you go back to States I'm so busy with our new album right? And I'm here because Mummy told me you're here and I miss you like hell too not just me the whole dorm missing you" I suddenly remember about his members. "Wait" I go back to upstairs and wake Michael up.

"This is my boyfriend and soon to be my fiancé. This is my brother,Yoongi and he's a little shit" They did a bro fist and Michael go back to sleep. "So you can go back to your office and don't tell your member that I'm coming to our office and bring some surprise" I drag him outside and close the door.

"We're going to work now! Good bye" My mother hugged and she drive the car going to her office. "MICHAEL LET'S GO OUT!!!!!" I close the door behind me and let the party begin. "LET'S GOOOOOOO" He suddenly wake up from his sleep and get ready to work.

Today's weather a bit chilly so we decided to wear something warm and comfortable. Mother's house is so aesthetic because everything is legit white and wooden. Since I'm a beauty and fashion blogger so I need to take a picture of my OOTD and upload it on SNS.


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"Hello peeps so today is our first day in Korea and now I'm heading to the best chicken restaurant and Michael is looking for Pizza Hut here. Hello no I'm going to eat those junk food peeps these all are for someone,is it someone? I don't think so...if you wanna who will get these food so stay tune until the end of this vlog" I take so many shots while I'm ordering,waiting and playing Paper,Rock and Water with Michael.

"We back again peeps! Hehe and now we're walking to the most complicated entertainment and the place where my real job happen few months ago. For those who've been following me since 1st day you guys might know where I'm going" I stop walking when I arrived infront of BigHit new office. "Yes It's BigHit entertainment and these foods are all for BTS and staffs!" My entry card is still available and Im felt so honoured because the staffs still recognised me.

"PD NIM,Manager-nim,Stylist eonnie and all staffs let's eat!" Michael still don't know what happen but he just hand me the food and we talking in weird language. "Hey man,she's your girlfriend?" I saw Namjoon approaching my boyfriend. "Yup,you must be her brother's group mate,right?" I just look at them from afar. "Yes that's our leader,so kind,friendly and sociable. No wonder we are so popular these days because his hard works and support towards us never fade. He told us to love ourselves but still he couldn't find himself and find some medicine to cure his destruction disease" My brother and I laugh like stupid while eating chicken.

"So we're now in my office with my officemate including BTS,Homme sunbaenim and some trainees here. I don't think this food enough for them and Michael is ordering some Korean food and more chicken. We can't drink beer or soju now because we need to work today because next week BTS will fly to Japan but who knows I'll be there because our cousins bought VIP ticket for me last year when my aunt made a family gathering at Arkansas." I fast forwarded the video of me enjoying the chicken.

"Hey we're BTS! So Yoonji is enjoying her food with her boyfriend right now so let's play with us now" I let them take my camera for awhile. "What game we should play today?"

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