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"I know you love me,I love you and we love everything about each other and I hope you don't feel any pressure live with me and I hope you'll understand me and I promise myself I'll understand as much as I can" I showed him my pinky finger and he put his pinky finger around mine. "Of course I understand more than myself because girls are so hard to handle even they don't know what they want" He's being sarcastic. "I never had a boyfriend because I don't know if they straight or not because I once confessed to my boyfriend and he said he already have a boyfriend,that was my first most embarrassing moment in my college life" I started to do my story-telling while waiting for our food.

30 Minutes Later...

"I'll pay for it" I almost left my seat but Michael ran to the counter table and pay for our meal. "Thank you" I whispered. "Thank you,please come again!" As he done with the payment,he takes my hand and we both get out from the restaurant. "We're going to fishing,right?" I asked him in the car and he nodded his head. "Where's the spot?" I asked him again. "Secret" He smirked,start the engine and the car hit the road peacefully.

"You got the fishing rod and the worms?" He look so shocked when I asked him that kind of question. "You know a lot about fishing?" He asked me back. "Yep,yoongi and I used to skipped school a lot and went to fishing instead" Michael giggled. "But we never got caught by our parents though" I feel kinda proud.

We arrived at a lake and it's really beautiful. I bet he have a lots of memories with his beloveds one here. "Shall we do a picnic soon?" We sit under a shady tree. "Yes sure! My grandma would love it!" He seems excited. "You can start fishing now" He already standing up to get ready his fishing rod whilst me open my book & laptop continue do my work. "Endless work,work everyday,I live for work and work is me" I mumbled. "Michael can I ask you something?" I put my laptop on a grass and look at Michael's back. "What is it?" He's busy with his fish.

"What do you think about idols  love live?" I know that was so random but I really need an answer from a person like him. "Maybe they have their own lover in silent but they don't want to tell the world because they don't want their fans feel hopeless because once you love someone deeply and sincerely from your heart your mind automatically change your purpose to do almost everything. They're human and human need a lover and it's not illegal to have a lover but it's illegal when you out of your line boi" AS I EXPECTED HE WILL ANSWERED LIKE A PRO. "That's my man" I whispered to him. "I ship my Yoongi with his Suran Noona somehow" Another random words came out from my mouth.

"Can I ask you something?" He put down his rod,bring his fishes bucket and sit in front of me. "Do you want to stay here forever?" I wish I could say 'Yes' but myself,my heart & my passion is at Korea so I couldn't do anything. "No" I shook my head. "Alright" He seems okay with my answer and I'm okay too. "I got 8 fishes!" Well hearing that from his mouth makes me my heart feel a little light compared to before. "Wow! We can make another BBQ party tonight!" At least I know he's not disappointed.

After done with the fishing,Michael clean up our picnic spot and the fishes as well. I wait for him in the car while playing my phone. Seeing those boys sending selfies on Twitter makes me happy,at least I know where they at,what are they doing and what's coming. "Let's go" He pressed the oil paddle and the car slowly moving on the road. "What do you want for lunch?" He asked me. "Something soupy" I'm an easy eater so I can go with everything. "Let's go" He's heading to somewhere and without asking everything I just looking at him driving. "You don't want to continue your youtube channel?" He asked me. "I'm in a long hiatus due to my works,you & other problems" Yes I take a break from Youtuber because I'm so tired of people's bullshits. "Oh,when will you come back?" He asked again. "I feel like I don't want to comeback but maybe around next year" I know it's so long but I need to settle everything first and I feel like Youtube is not for me anymore.

"Change your style and content once you feel confidence to comeback" He gave me an advice. "Yes sir!" I just follow his word because what's good for him,good for me as well. "I want to focus on dance and make up only I don't want to make any reaction & hacks videos anymore. It's hard and have a lots of works to do with that" I tell him. "You don't want to open a dance class or join any dance academy like 1Million?" He question is getting weirder what the- "no" I replied. "I will support you no matter what!" He take my right hand and kiss it.

"Okay we're here!" He open the door for me and we arrived at a food stall. "They sell the best mushroom soup in the whole town!" He offer me a seat and I take it. "Okay then. Sir give me 1 mushroom soul,2 garlic bread,1 cola and 1 salad" I order what I want and I'm happy again because I'm about to eat again. "Ah I just remember...why not you change your style from bright and colourful to grunge and pale?" He still isn't done with my youtube channel.

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