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"Thank you to our busy fans,pregnant mother and busy model for being here as well,thank you so much and I hope your baby enjoying our lit performance tonight okay,Yoonji?" I just show my thumb to Jimin and the boys giggled. "Y'all are the best thank you so much for believe and trust us since 2013 until today. Thank you for the endless supports. I-lovelies y'all are so lovely and sweet though language might keep us apart but that doesn't mean why we can't love each other without y'all we can be your King today. Thank you so much!" Jimin end his speech and he pass the mic to Yoongi.

"Thank you for attending our concert I hope we can meet again tomorrow and today's attendance is so incredible. 아미 깹짱! Thank you to the families who came here today. Thank you Yoonji and our cousin. Thank you to y'all very much. We barely see you guys and we keep missing each other but it's fine I'll update more in the future. Don't get hurt,study well,eat well and love yourself,remember?" The concert finally ended for 1st day.

"Ma'am Yoongi want to see you" A security come to us and I just nodded. "He's weird!" I whisper to my cousin about Yoongi and he suddenly in front of us. "Why you didn't tell us you're here." He asked me and I laughed my lung out. "You gave us the ticket,remember? Yes I know I told I always got no time for your concert but remember as a hardcore fan I still excited to death to see my own idol so I attend your concert. Thank you for the ticket" I explain and he just awkwardly standing in front of me.

"Well do you want to home with us?" I shook my head. "No just go home immediately. I know you guys are so tired. Have a good sleep good night" My cousin and I leave the backstage and go to the nearest café to eat cake.

"Hello Mich?" My husband called me.

"Where are you?"

"Out of Gocheok Skydome,why?"

"Let me pick you with your cousin"


"I'll be there in 10 mins"

"Drive safe!"

I end the call. "Let's wait for my husband" We sit on a bench and I start to doing the vlog. "We're at Gocheok Skydome in the middle of the night watching girls going home with smile on their face we just met BTS. Wait I always meet them what the hell..." My cousin and I laugh at my stupidity. "Okay actually we went to their 4th muster and it was cool" I explained.

"Your husband" My cousin saw my car and we ran to the car. "What do you want to eat?" Michael know me so well. "Sweet rice ball,mochi and Matcha frappe!" My cousin gasped at my menus. "My baby want to eat too" We all laughed. "Small matter" He drove to the 24 hours stall and buy some frozen mochi and sweet rice cake.

"Okay our next stop is Starbucks" Michael know I really love Starbucks. "Just drive-thru Im tired already" I whined. "Aw poor my princess" He teased me.

6 Months Later...

My tummy is getting bigger and I just have 3 months left. I still working on vlogs,I updated my Social Media like before and I still work on my studio. Yoongi help me with my upcoming songs for my little princess in my belly.

Yes I'm going to have a daughter!

"You should just stay at home" Yoongi sighed. "You know I hate living alone and do nothing" I almost yelled. "Yes I know that but don't push yourself too much" Yoongi touched my tummy. "That's tickle!" I giggled. "Wear something comfy,alright? I gotta go" I feel like I'm the luckiest person to have a caring husband and brother.

"Ayo Yoonji!" My sunshine,Hoseok is here. "How's your baby?" Everyone is so concerned about me these days,thank you. "Doing well and little heavy" I leaned on my chair. "Aw here's some herbal drink from my mother she said it's good for preggy mummy drink in the morning after breakfast and night before sleep" Hoseok leave the room right before I say thank you. "They're busy again"

I get out from my studio because I want to see outside world for awhile. "Ah it's been awhile!" I went to the highest floor and stretch my body. "Ah Yoonji!" Shit! I didn't realised Kookie is here as well. "Hello Kookie,what are you doing here?" I sit next to him. "Doing nothing I just want to see the world and wondering something" I nodded my head. "What's that camera for?" I saw a camera in his hand. "To take your pictures!" He immediately took a picture of me and weirdly it turns out beautiful. "You stand there" He told me to stand up and walk near to the door. "Okay the sky is clear,smile 1,2,3! Nice!" The wind hit my face so my hair covered my face so I don't mind if my flaws are showing. "You're so photogenic" Jungkook smile looking at my photo.

"Send me the picture,okay? To be honest I don't look good! I look so puffy and red" I sighed. "It's okay you still look beautiful to me as always. By the way,your due is near,right?" He asked me and I just nodded my head. "I hope your little girl will take your beautiful eyes and funny attitude" Jungkook patted my head and left the photography spot. "Thanks" I mumbled.

"You're so lucky to be mine. Your uncles are so concern about you,your father loves you more than anything and I'll always give you so much love,affection and of course I'll be the good influence to you. Don't give up easily though people keep knocking you down" I look at the clear sky,busy streets and some tough building. "Never thought I'll be here today..."

Little Sister II »MYG« ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu