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He agreed with our deal and we walk to our car and heading back home. At home I saw my mother was cooking with my father and were laughing about something. "Hey mum" I smiled. "Hey kids! Wanna join our dinner?" My dad greeted us. "It's okay we're full already" My husband replied and I just smile.

"Alright have a good rest" My mum waved her hand to us. "Good night" I replied. "Don't you think our daughter looks different?" Yoonji's mother whisper to her husband. "Weird? I didn't see anything" Her husband frowned his eyebrow. "She never talk that less and she never walk that slow. Did you think Michael abuse her?" Her husband choked on his soup. "Stop talking nonsense Yoo Ra." Her husband sounded serious. "I just make a speculation..." She continue cooking.

Later That Night...

I've got a message from Yoongi before I go to sleep and this is what he said;

Yoongi 🖕🦄;I love you. Take care. Sleep well & eat well. We will keep an eye on you! Don't worry. 💙

I laughed to death until my tears came out and replied with;

Me;what the hell is wrong with you? Where are you going and what did you do now? 😂😂😂

He read it but didn't reply and it's his hobby and habit.

"You ain't tired?" Michael look at me while I'm laughing reading Yoongi's message. "Not yet,why?" I giggled. "Me either. Let's have a midnight walk" He gave me his right hand. "Let's go" I take his hand with a big smile.

Michael knows how much I love midnight walk with beloved one talk about my past and what I want to reach in the future. Michael knows how much I love listen to the Lowfi Hip Hop in the car in the middle of the night. Michael knows how much I love beach breeze in the midnight and he knows how much I love to be in dark alone with someone who I really love the most in the whole milky way.

"When we already have a baby,will you still bring me out in the middle of the night like this?" We both intertwined our fingers and walk slowly at the road side. "With the baby of course" He replied. "Will you still love me the same though I grown old?" I asked him again. "I will love you even when we're ghost" He hold my waist. "Will you die for me in the battlefield?" I asked for the 3rd question. "I would bite the bullet if it's come over you" He take my face and kissed me hardly. "Thank you"

The Next Morning...

"Do you have anything to do today?" I get ready in front of the door while Michael is searching for his car key. "Yes I have Korean class and I'm going to an interview today" He makes me shocked. "What interview?" I looked at him. "Interpreter & subtitles writer" I nodded my head. "Good luck I love you and don't forget to change your nationality and settle everything at the embassy office alright?" I wear my shoe and leave the room.

"Good morning mum,dad" We join their breakfast before going to work. "Where are you going today Yoonji?" My mum asked me in serious tone. "My studio,eating show & meet my client,why mum?" I take my omelette and help Michael with his chopstick. "Don't walk too much and don't stay outside too long,alright?" She gave me some advice. "Alright..." I replied slowly.

At The Office...

Soon as I arrived at my office I throw up at the toilet as always but thankfully I barely vomit. "Yoonji are you okay?" One of my colleague saw me throwing up in the toilet. "Yes I'm just a bit dizzy,maybe I'm lack of plain water" I wash my face and get out from the toilet.

I rearrange some songs,edit some voices and edit my videos as well. I didn't active like before on my YouTube channel but still I feed my subscribers with my old videos and some AU from any K-pop group.


"Oops it's time to go to interview the group" I get my back and go get my van at the basement. "The Legend" A rookie group from unpopular company. "Let's google about them" I take the opportunity to get to know them better. "This ain't hard" I read the scripts and sighed.

I arrived at the studio. I do some make over and change my clothes to a better one. "Sis your belly fat...." One of the stylist saw my tummy. "Oh I'm pregnant" I turn my body away and continue wearing my dress. "Okay I'm ready"  I get into the set and introduce myself on the camera.

I had a lot of good time interviewing Korean boy group for few hours. They played games and they were so cute. I didn't feel nervous at all because I love cameras and I love to talk in front of it.

One of the member ask me if I'm single or not and this is what I replied "i'm married" and they were so shocked. "You look so young! How can you married already?!" Their maknae was so shocked. "I'm just 24 and I live happily with my husband" They shocked for the 2nd time. "We wish you all the best with your life and I hope you'll get pregnant" Their leader seems a bit speechless. "I am pregnant now" I laughed because their reaction were so priceless.

"Thank you for watching Legendary of The Legend and see you guys next time,annyeong!" We made an outro and I get ready to see my client. "You guys did a great job and worked hard. Thank you!" I compliment them and leave the studio. "Why I need to participate on this?!" I sighed while looking at the lyrics and the rappers namelist. "I'm not even good in rapping" I facepalmed.

"May God bless me" I closed my eyes.

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