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"So this is where I work before I met you and this is how I spent my whole day with dancing,finding new dance moves and write lyrics perhaps produce some songs and sometimes I went into my brother's studio and do some records" Michael and I are enjoying our food. "They are so noisy how old are they?" I giggled. "My brother was born in 1993 that means he a year older than me,that guy with pink sweater was born in 1992 he's the oldest and the youngest was born in 1997 and the others you can find on Google" I'm so lazy to talk right now sorry.

"How and why they became a boygroup" I put down my plate and this is my time again to look like a professor. "Everything starts with their leader Kim Nam Joon not that supreme leader Kim Jong Un. He is so good in producing songs and rapping and he joined this entertainment I don't know when but he inspired Jungkook the youngest member a lot. Jungkook got called from many big company but he reject all that because he want to be with Nam Joon and now Jungkook is his baby boy. My brother ran away from my house because he want to catch his dream to be a popular rapper so he come here,join their audition,be a trainee for awhile and now he's UNIVERSTAR! They all have their own story so maybe you can find it on Google" My professor mode already gone.

"Sorry to telling you this but they recording you since before" We all laughed so hard until I burped so loud. "They always put pranks on me! Bad kids!!" I laughed again & again. "ATTENTION HERE! I'm here to tell you guys that I'll work here as choreographer,producers and back up dancer FOREVER!!!" They all make noises because they really need weird girl like me in their office. "This is my boyfriend Michael,he's from States but his mother is Arabian and his father is Russian and that's why he got sharp nose,blue eyes,fair skin and small eyes. He don't know any Korean words even 안녕하세요" My boyfriend just bowed and waved at my office mates awkwardly. "Seems like someone hurting" Yoongi whispered to me and I look at Jungkook.

"Maybe you guys can talk to him more if you want to know him better,bye" The party is over and we sit at our own place and continue our work. "This is my workplace and maybe I will get a studio like my brother or just share with him because I'm so loud so I need a soundproof room" He sat next to me and we do our works.

"Yoonji,Jungkook wants to meet you" J-hope message me privately and I saw his head 30M from me. "For real Hoseok?" He just giggled with his bright smile. "Where is he?" I asked him and he point his finger to the recording room. "Okay thank you" I left my boyfriend alone and look for Jungkook.

I knock the door, open it and it makes a squeak sound. "Hi my little bunny,you look so sad? Why? Cheer up! You have busy schedules in a bit right? Hey tell me" I know what's wrong with him but I pretend I don't know anything. "I'm so happy to see you happy,Yoonji but I don't know my ego-ness keep tell my mind to remember you forever. I try everything to forget you but it's useless and I hate myself for loving you" He shed a tears and it makes me sad. "Pain is temporary,memories long last,love is painful and happiness is forever. You work hard to live just to find happiness in the end and that small happiness could make you smile forever until you die. Everyone deserve to smile and be happy,you,me,Yoongi Hyung even that pervert trying to raped me that day remember?" He laughed remembering that and it makes me happy to see he happy again. "You'll find someone better than me soon,힘내!!" I hugged him and left him in that room alone again.

"Babe let's go somewhere Korea looks beautiful!" I giggled look at my excited boyfriend. "Alright let's go" We let our bags here and we go dating at Korea for the first time.

I turn on my camera again and we start to discover Korea. I suddenly remember one of a scene In Goblin when Eun Tak met Kim Shin for the first time at the beach while she celebrating her birthday alone. "Theres a place I really love to go and sometimes that place is so crowded with tourist because that place is really popular and I really hope that you will confess to me there and it would be so cool if you that" I'm a straight-forward girl so if I say I want to eat ice cream so I want ice cream not hotdog in ice cream in chicken in pizza in jjangmyeon no.

"Show me that place" He seems excited. "It must be so crowded now" I sighed and followed by him. "It's okay,let's go to Hanok village and try hanbok!" We continue our journey going to Hanoi Village and as I predict theres a lots of tourist from outside and inside the country. "Hanbok is their traditional wear and it can be wear to women and men so let's try" I keep vlogging and I look so cute in pink Hanbok. I asked a girl if she can take my picture and she just endure it and take a good picture. "Thank you!" I waved my hand to her while she's turning away with her boyfriend.

"We need to wear this kind of dress during our wedding day and you look so cute!!!!" He slays in blue men Hanbok and I couldn't stop looking at him. "Is this shop sells hanbok?" I nodded and he buy me this pink hanbok and his blue hanbok.

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