LS 8

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I go home by myself,I ordered an Uber and while in the Uber Jungkook text me and I still can't believe I still love him more than an idol though I'm about to get married soon.

Jk🖤:I just love you more than I should.
Me:So do I.
Jk🖤:Could you come over too tomorrow?
Me:Sure and I would love to.
Jk🖤:Can't wait to have you between my arms again!
Me:stop it boy,your embrace is so warm tho haha
Jk🖤:My hyungs are calling me,I'll be back bye sweetie!

I couldn't stop smiling while listening to BTS songs in my Uber heading home.

At Home...

"I'm home" I saw Michael sitting on a sofa reading my book. "I said don't wait for me right?" I throw away my bag and sit next to him. "I can't sleep without you" He's being cheesy. "Lmao,let's go upstairs and get ready to sleep" I grab his hand and bring him into our room. "What do you guys talk about at their dorm?" My heart suddenly become so nervous. "Something...about know....yea.." I couldn't answer his question. "Well do you have other meeting tomorrow?" He asked me and I nodded my head.

"When and where?" I know this is awkward cheating on both sides. "Still not confirmed yet" I pull the bedsheets and get ready to sleep. "I wish I could understand Korean and join you guys"He hugged me and I just giggled. "Oh shit I feel so bad for them because I love both of them and I don't know which one I should choose because I don't deserve them" I sighed and try to sleep.

The Next Day...

"Hello my baby!" I saw his sleepy face right when I opened my eyes. "Long day ahead,let's go!" He offered his hand I take his hand and we go downstairs. "Wait my phone!" I ran back to our room and I got so many messages from Jungkook. "Naughty boy" I smirked.

After breakfast we both get ready to go out and do our works. While waiting for Michael I was chatting with Jungkook because he don't want to stop from being salty and annoying yet cute. I was texting him while smiling because he is so cute and without noticing Michael looking at me since before. "Who are you texting?" Michael asked. "Suran eonnie" I know Suran from my brother and she is so polite,pretty and funny. But the person I was texting is actually Jungkook. "Do you want to collab with her?" I shook my head. "We love to talk about her career of being a singer,song producer and rapper. I don't know she is my first friend at Korea" We walk to my car and he start the engine.

At BigHit...

"I will go home real late,I'm sorry I can't cook dinner for you. You can enjoy the dinner with my parents,right? It's okay don't pick me tonight. I will ask Yoongi for sending me home. I love yoh,bye baby!" We kissed and I close the passenger's door. "Maybe I should buy him so food on the way home tonight. Poor him" I feel so freaking bad for Michael. "Hi baby" Someone grabbed my ass. "Hi Jungkook" I kissed him. "Let's go" He grabbed my hand and heading to practice room. "Hyungs?" I asked him. "They buy something to eat downstairs so let's go!" Instead of going into practice room and unlock Yoongi's studio and talk to him inside the room. "I missed you so damn much" I throw away my jacket. "So do I" He takes my face. "I want to be with you longer" I buried my face in his embrace and his scent is freakin' good. "Marry me then" I giggled. "It never happen my baby. I will hurt the world" I pinched his bunny cheeks. "If you marry him you will hurt my entire life" He's pouting. "Don't think like that! We still can be friend or more than that" I committing deadly sin right now.

"I can't and never be your girlfriend nor wife Jungkook. We are not meant to be,we just a friend or best friend" I know I make him sad. "But my heart only wants you" I sighed. "If you don't treat you well and if I ain't pretty. You never want me or maybe you never look at me at all. You love my face not my heart" I smiled bitterly. "I sincerely love you from my heart Yoonji. Please let me love you" He tried to kiss me but I turned my head away. "Why baby?" He played with my hair. "I love everything about you and I really want to marry you but my heart strongly hates you and I can't do anything because it's linked to my future,family and our happiness and if I got a chance to be your girlfriend I would take that but I just couldn't take those chances because it will hurt both of us" In silence I let my little heart cried and his heart as well. "We still can be friend,right?" He whispered and I nodded my head. "Of course my dear. I will never betray you and I always be your friend" I smiled bitterly again. "You never disappoints me,right?" I shook my head.

While we were talking about our life suddenly we heard someone is trying to unlock the password and open the door. "What are we supposed to do now?" I couldn't sit still and Yoongi open the door and sees us. "I can explain!" Jungkook take my dialogue. "It's okay you can do what you want to do" Yoongi walk past us and sit on his chair. "Yoonji your studio will be done real soon so you may leave" My heart beating so hard and runaway from his room with Jungkook. "I love you" He whispered under his breathe while we were running to practice room.

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