LS 24

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"Eh Yoonji Noona!" We were so shocked when Jungkook approach us. "I told you he's Jungkook!" I was about to argue with my husband. "What are you guys doing here?" He suddenly join us having dinner. "Have a dinner of course! Who is she?" I saw a woman standing besides our table. "Oh she's my best friend since high school. Erica meet my beloved sister,Yoonji" A cute girl bowed to me.

"I thought you just have a brother?" Erica looks so lost. "I've been his friend since last year,we're so close and that's why he called me Noona though we just few months apart" I explained. "This is her husband,Michael" Erica bowed to my husband as well.

"Jungkook I have to go,bye!" Erica immediately leave the restaurant. "Looks like you moved on,huh?" I sarcasm him. "She used to my bully victim actually" We all laughed. "Good luck" Michael reminds him. "Thanks hyung" He leave both us again.

We talk,eat,laugh and argue that night enjoying our dinner together until clock strikes at 10.00PM. Michael seems a bit drunk in his beer so I decided to drive us home tonight so I took his car keys and walk with him to our car. Thankfully our car isn't far from the restaurant so I start the engine and drive slowly on the road going back home at night.

As soon as we arrived at home,nobody's home. "Yeah they go another business trip to Macau" I sighed and drink a cup of milk from the freezer. "Im going upstairs first,okay?" Michael climb the stairs slowly and I look at him calmly. "Hello? Mummy?"

I suddenly missed my mum and I cried alone in the kitchen after hear her voice after few weeks she's gone. I asked her how's her day,how's the weather there and when will she come back? I don't know,I want her when I'm giving birth because she's here when I born.

"Could you please come home before my due? Because I want you to be there" I wiped my tears. "Yeah I'll be there,don't worry" My mom sounded so gloomy. "I miss you mum" Last word before I cut the call. "I miss you more"

I can't sleep that night so I edit all my videos,I'm clearing my last week's checklist and I'm finishing all my projects and email it to everyone who has been waiting for my work thank you for your patience I really appreciate it. I even do a vlog about how much I misses my mother.

"When I was young I'm not a good student because all I cared about is my personality. Until I went into a high school I didn't focus too much because I'm busy searching for my brother but I got 3.95CGPA for my finals and I got a scholarship around my country but I refuse to take it because I want to find my brother"

"Everything happened when I knock on his dorm's door and I saw a hot guy open the door for me. I took makeup and styling major but I'm a song producer now??? Wow I'm shook. My mother never complaint about myself but she keep telling me to study hard and be a useful person to everyone and now I'm that person"

"Being a song producer is a very underrated job and I don't have a stable salary but that's okay as long as I could express my feelings over songs I'm happy. I never thought I would be like this in the future but here I am producing music in the middle of the night and thankfully people recognised my songs and they love it. Okay I guess maybe that's all until for today see you guys next week. Bye!"

I end my vlog and take a short bath and go to bed.

The Next Morning...

I purposely wake up so late because I don't have go to the office anymore. My husband already left the house early in the morning and cooked me some egg sandwiches and green tea with no sugar. "Eat this for breakfast and I just cleaned the house. Mich 🌸" my heart flutters when I read his letter on the gaming table.

"Let's be productive dearself!" I've been really lazy this past few weeks. "Let's take a long bath and watch K-dramas!" I took my white towel,fill up the tub with water and put my bath bomb in it. "Let's finish Doctor Stranger first" That shit took ages to end like it's the slowest Drama your writer ever watched 😪

"Okay let's re-schedule our next month's schedule" Next month is my busy because my little girl will come out next month so I need to make sure I don't have any outside project next month. "At least we have two?" I love working with people but I don't know how to manage it. "Okay,two is okay" I let my two days empty in case someone want to meet me.

"Create your room,my dear!" I move upstairs and build her crib and drawer alone. "This shit ain't hard!" I proudly move the furnitures here and there by myself. "Luckily your mummy has so many rich friends so I don't have to buy you clothes they keep giving you beautiful clothes!" I laughed. "Your little shoes! Aw!" I'm melted. "Here's the last part of your room,carpet!" After 5 hours sitting in the small room managing what's left and more finally I could take a break.

"It's lunch time" It's already 2:30PM and I have nothing to eat nor cook. "Let's order something" I took my phone on the sofa and call a pizza delivery. "Yoonji" My brother open the door. "Pizza!" I'm so excited to see him as he has pizza in his hand. "How's your baby?" He coldly serve the pizza and pour a lemon juice in my glass.

"She's doing fine and I just adjusted her room"

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