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When I arrived at the café I saw some of my favourite underground Korean rapper and my brother. "Yoongi...." I sit next to him and he introduces me as his colleague. "I'm Yoonji" I bowed at the rappers. "You both look the same even have the same surname!" One of the rapper teased us. "So coincidence,right?" I awkwardly laughed.

Our meeting goes from 3:30PM until 4:46PM. We had a lots of fun work together as 1 team and all our works will be revealed to the public soon but my brother and my name will remain as secret forever because we're the one who do the beat and edits but not the singers and rappers so it's fair as long as I've got paid.

"Thank you so much! Bye!" I get out from the café and walk to the office. "Let me give you a ride" Yoongi pulled my hand. "Are you spying me?!" As soon as I hopped on his car and I asked him with my serious face. "No maybe it just 'coincidence',right?" He's being sarcastic.

"Whatever. Btw,thanks for the ride" he ignore me again. "Where are you going tomorrow?" He asked me. "Since today's eating show with Dave postponed until tomorrow so I have eating show,hanging out with my American friends and go to a cosmetic launch,why?" He gasped. "You're busier than me!" He teased me. "What to do...this is how I work" I sighed. "Take a little rest,Yoonji" His low voice sounded sexy and I like it.

At The Office...

I spend my evening with doing my work and eating my favourite snack and suddenly thoughts about Yoongi came through my mind. "He's hella busy but why and how he's working with those people who work with me" I curious. "He keeps whispering something to his brothers whenever we have dance together and lately they barely let me stand and dance for so long" I put my pen on my ear and suddenly I heard my phone rang.

"Yo" my bad habits of taking a call is coming back. "Your mother want to see us,now!" Michael sounded so panic in the phone. "Pick me!" I hanged up and take all my things and put it in one bag and wait for him downstairs. "Why it's so sudden?!" I hop on his car and drive so fast going home. "Wait! I know this van!!" I looked behind and I saw my brother's van. "Shit" I sighed and told him to drive faster.

At Home...

"We're home!" I see everyone is already at the living room waiting for us. Most strange part is why the hell Yoongi's members are here as well. "They are your brothers as well,have a seat" And how could my mom read my mind?

"What did you at Greece?"


"What's main reason of honeymoon?"

"Build a new family"

"Did you already have your own family?"

"Well yea it just Michael and I"

"If I were the baby in your tummy I would be so sad because my own mother didn't mention me"

"What?" My heart started to beating like crazy,sweats already drained my face and my finger started to shake and cold. "You're pregnant,right?" Some people whom enjoying their tea spit it out immediately. "What kind of question is that?" I awkwardly giggled. "Come here" My mom almost punch my tummy but I stopped her. "YESIMPREGNANT!!" I covered my face. "WHAT?!" I startled.

"Yes we made it. We really want to tell you but I don't want to be so excited because we can't predict what's going to happen in the future,right? So the main game is I want y'all see it by yourselves when I already have a baby bump but thanks to my mother for almost punched my baby" I glared at her.

"Don't care about me so much. I need to work and going to work I need to walk and do some stuffs so just let me enjoy myself,okay? Meeting dismissed" I locked myself in the room with my husband. "I bet they are so excited about this..." I sighed. "Of course they excited! This is the first grandchild,first bts baby and plus your fans! They must be so shocked. You should surprise vlog about our baby" Michael is creative and he already give me an idea. "Great idea!"

I started to record my daily life week by week. I don't have so much strength to vlog daily so I choose to do vlog week by week and I just record when I have something outside. "Hey this is my room with my baby and stuff. So this is how I work" I put the camera next to me but still can see my face and trying to make my own song. Sing myself and rap myself I want to try to be a ballad singer.

"Today we are going to BTS' 4th muster! I know it's not good for preggy mummy but I already have the ticket so why not? I have my cousin from Japan here and she's here because she need to collaborate with some model here for future project let's go!" I and my cousin walk from our café to the concert venue. We don't have to queue like others and that disappointing because we have VIP ticket.

"The boys must be so busy so let's just move to the concert venue before it started to rain with tons of people." We both ran to the concert venue to got out place. It do have numbers on the seat but you know everything might happen. "Lightstick?" "Checked" "banner?" "Checked" "gifts?" "Yes!!" We act like other fans because we're big fan of BTS though my own brother is the rapper but YOLO!

The concert start with Intro:Serendipity and go with some old and new songs and so on until they stop and give thank you speech. I know this going to be so sad. "Hello I want to say thanks a lot to our armys who came here today in cold weather...."

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