LS 26

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"Wait your brother used to be a student at all boys school?" Mich sounds disbelief. "Yup,I don't know why and I don't care at first but then I saw what happened just now makes me shocked" well actually not so shocked. "For me it's okay to be LGBT as long as it doesn't hurt me and you I'm so fine with it" Mich wants to give a life lesson. "Yeah me too I used to like girls before and now I have you and I still respect those couples as long as they don't do disgusting stuff in public" Some of gay couples are so disgusting like bitch I know you horny but get a room please ugh.

"You have 3 weeks left,right?" He changed the topic. "Yes! Omg honey I'm so excited to give birth! I don't know why?! But I just want to meet my little girl and make everyone smile with her existence" He smile widely and so do I. "I promise I'll be there" He touched my hand. "I take that promise..." I kissed his hand. "You're not scared at all?" I shook my head. "Despite I always talk to her please be nice when I'm giving birth to her."I always talk to my tummy and put headphone around it and turn on hixtape! YO HIXTAPE

"Okay wait!" He told me to wait as soon as we arrived. "Let me bring that wines and you can go up to the last floor" last floor? Did you mean my favourite place? "Alright,don't take too long" I walk slowly to the entrance and I saw some fans in front of the main entrance. "Young girls..." I was once be like them,excitedly wait for our idols and patiently talk with our friends and still waiting for them. It just so beautiful.

"Hello everyone!" As soon as I arrived I saw so many people even our boss. "Yoonji-ya" I heard a very familiar voice. "Mummy!" I saw my mother and I hug her tightly. "You look so thin! Are you okay?" I cried and she calmly checking on me. "I ate alot but I still weightless" I wiped my tears. "It's okay so tonight let's fill up our tummy!" As a pregnant mother it has a lot of things I cannot eat so I just take the orange juice and coleslaw.

"May I have your attention please!" Everyone is so happy enjoying their pork belly and beer and suddenly Namjoon took all the attentions. "The reason why Michael and Min's mother did this party is because they wanted to celebrate Yoonji! Yoonji will giving birth in 3 weeks from now and let's give a little give Mrs. Yoonji" And now all attentions are on me.

"Good evening everyone! First off all I wanted to say thank you so much to my husband and mummy for doing this to me. Yes my baby will be seeing the world around 3 weeks from now and I'll tell y'all about it later. We already planned her name,right Mich? But let it remain as secret until she's born. Thank you for all your supports,helps and gifts y'all gave it to me. I don't know how to thank y'all it just too much! Congratulations to Hoseok for your Hixtape it's so cool and amazing!"

Once again everyone give me gifts,gifts and gifts. My mother give me a confinement set,Yoongi give me some cute pairs of socks,my boss give me money of course HAHAHAHA and BTS give me clothes,baby shoes,headbands and some soft toys. "Y'all are so cute!" I almost cried. "Yes I forgot to vlog!" I turn on my video and every single of person who attended the party give a little thanks message.

"This is song for you. Listen to it whenever your missing someone whoever they are especially me and mum. We love so much just like how dad used to love us. Don't disappoints us,we trust you and forever be our little girl. Mum barely with you but her pray is always with you. Take care of your family really well,be a good wife,be a kind mother and always be a responsible daughter and sister. I love you big head" Yoongi suddenly hugged me and handed me an USB. "This is my present to you,only you"

When we were young,Yoongi promised himself and to me,if he can't find a woman like me within before age 30 he will marry a guy. He said I'm different,strong and unique. I don't know either he's lying or speaking the truth. I only have 3 guys in my life Him,dad and Michael. I don't really need a man to survive I just need courage and strength. Mother is the biggest inspiration for me to keep moving on until I become a mother like her.

I committed suicide multiple times when Yoongi ran away from home. I feel like I'm nothing without him. He always there when I really need someone and when he's gone it's like I don't have anyone in this world,my world became empty and dark. He never show his love but I could feel it. He never tell but I could answer it. I always mentioned him as my boyfriend because he's the best guardian from God I ever got.

"Are you okay?" I'm back at reality life. "Yes" I wiped my tears. "The party is over,let's go home" I just remember I sat at one corner and thinking about the past. "Yoonji!" Yoongi called my name. "We won't be there during the day you giving birth but I know you're strong enough to do it. Fighting!" He don't even smile but his word makes me smile widely. "My perfect man"

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